15 commits
to release-2.3.0
since this release
New Features
- K8s YAML Production Service supports importing from a namespace and synchronizing with a code repository.
- Helm Chart Production Service supports synchronization from a code repository.
- Hosted projects supporting production environment and release workflow
- Workflows have added the ability to update Istio canary policies as a task.
- Build tasks have been optimized to support the selection of all service components and the use of custom IMAGE variables.
- Deployment tasks have been optimized to filter out services that do not exist in the environment and execute in orchestration order.
- Testing and code scanning tasks support object storage caching.
- Istio canary release tasks support repeated execution.
- Workflow task logs have timestamps added.
- Release plan items support skipping execution.
Bugfixes and Optimizations:
- Significantly improved the initial screen loading performance of the execution workflow page.
- Execution workflow deployment tasks support manual input of image information.
- Execution workflow deployment tasks allow for not selecting service components in the configuration when using OpenAPI.
- Fixed issues where service components could not be reselected during the editing of the release plan workflow.
- Resolved the problem where dind failed to start when integrating the same image repository with a self-signed certificate multiple times.
- Resolved the issue where service status and details were incorrectly displayed in the environment under specific circumstances.
- Fixed the error that occurred when creating a version with an image repository containing an IP address and port.
- Resolved the issue where some permission configurations in the production environment were not effective.
- Improved system notifications' user experience and fixed ineffective setting issues in one concise update.