- Because files are not executable by default; they must be set to be executable.
chmod ug+x .husky/*
chmod ug+x .git/hooks/*
npm run commit
npm run release:patch // Patch release 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
npm run release:minor // Minor release 0.1.1 -> 0.2.0
npm run release:major // Major release 0.2.0 -> 1.0.0
Name | Description |
src/ | Source files |
src/config/ | Application configuration |
src/core/ | |
src/db/ | DB connect, migration, seed and etc. |
src/decorators/ | |
src/helpers/ | |
src/libs/ | Library source code like a logger, schema, i18n and etc. |
src/middleware/ | Contains all the middleware that we need |
src/modules/ | |
src/providers/ | |
src/templates/ | |
src/utility-types/ | |
src/utils/ | Common functions that would be used repetitively |
dist/ | Compiled source files will be placed here |
tests/ | Test cases will be placed here |
tests/unit/ | Unit Test cases will be placed here |
tests/integration/ | API routes (Integration) Test cases will be placed here |
- This PR implements new feature, fix bug, or some other changes
- If PR is not ready to review mark it as Draft
- All commits in this PR should be by conventional-commits
- Title of the PR should have issue(s) identifier(s) ("BOX-123 Example title of PR")
- Don’t use deprecated or vulnerable versions of Express
- Use TLS
- Use Helmet
- Use cookies securely
- Prevent brute-force attacks against authorization
- Ensure your dependencies are secure
- Avoid other known vulnerabilities
- Additional considerations