OCR and image processing for Red programming language.
This code needs following libraries.
C/C++ OCR library.
Image processing library of C.
This program is under developing and might have many changes frequently.
But any advices or suggestions are welcomed.
To execute the sample code, install tesseract(it includes Leptonica), by following the instruction below.
You need to compile to execute the sample codes because they use routines.
Put the compiled executable and depending libraries on the same folder.
Also, if you use OCR function, you have to specify the "tessdata" folder (the language training data folder) in the code.
Sample images.
Library files.
Sample codes.
Routine definiiton for Leptonica API.
Routine definition for tesseract-ocr API
Main object containing Leptonica and tesseract APIs.
Auto detection of image skew and make the deskewed image.
A Sample UI to select an image, specify tesseract settings and do OCR.
A simple hard-coded ocr sample.
A sample to convert a tif file to a jpeg file.