This tool is used to schedules exercises for the Softwaretechnik 1 course at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
This project uses Gradle, to start the tool just use the gradle wrapper (execute the gradlew run command).
After executing the gradle run command a file dialog will pop up.
Use the dialog to open a file that contains a list of all tutors, all possible exercises, and which tutors could hold them.
The TutorenEinteiler2000 will parse the file and automatically schedule tutors for the exercises. The output will be written in a file called schedule.txt, created in the same directory as the selected file.
The exact format of an input file has to be the following (without the '<', '>' characters):
#START: AllTut:
#START: Table:
<WeekDay>;<Time>;<RoomNr>; <TutorName1>, <TutorName5>, ...
<WeekDay>;<Time>;<RoomNr>; <TutorName1>, <TutorName5>, ...
The list of tutors has to start with with keyword #START: AllTut: and end with the keyword #END.
The table defining exercises and possible tutors for them has to start with #START: Table:.
It is mandatory that Tutors listed in the table are included in the tutor list.
#START: AllTut:
Max Mustermann
Fred der Knecht
#START: Table:
Montag;9:00;123; Max Mustermann, Fred der Knecht
Mittwoch;9:30;111; Kek2000, Fred der Knecht
Only German Weekdays are supported right now.