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Parse here docs as per spec (fixes #1050)
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koalaman committed May 27, 2018
1 parent 467dfe0 commit 135cf59
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Showing 2 changed files with 89 additions and 34 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- FD move operations like {fd}>1- now parse correctly

### Changed
- Here docs are now terminated as per spec, rather than by presumed intent
- SC1073: 'else if' is now parsed correctly and not like 'elif'
- SC2163: 'export $name' can now be silenced with 'export ${name?}'
- SC2183: Now warns when printf arg count is not a multiple of format count
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122 changes: 88 additions & 34 deletions src/ShellCheck/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module ShellCheck.Parser (parseScript, runTests) where

import ShellCheck.AST
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1588,7 +1589,7 @@ readDollarLonely = do
return $ T_Literal id "$"

prop_readHereDoc = isOk readScript "cat << foo\nlol\ncow\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc2 = isWarning readScript "cat <<- EOF\n cow\n EOF"
prop_readHereDoc2 = isNotOk readScript "cat <<- EOF\n cow\n EOF"
prop_readHereDoc3 = isOk readScript "cat << foo\n$\"\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc4 = isNotOk readScript "cat << foo\n`\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc5 = isOk readScript "cat <<- !foo\nbar\n!foo"
Expand All @@ -1601,11 +1602,13 @@ prop_readHereDoc11= isOk readScript "cat << foo $(\nfoo\n)lol\nfoo\n"
prop_readHereDoc12= isOk readScript "cat << foo|cat\nbar\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc13= isOk readScript "cat <<'#!'\nHello World\n#!\necho Done"
prop_readHereDoc14= isWarning readScript "cat << foo\nbar\nfoo \n"
prop_readHereDoc15= isWarning readScript "cat <<foo\nbar\nfoo bar\n"
prop_readHereDoc15= isWarning readScript "cat <<foo\nbar\nfoo bar\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc16= isOk readScript "cat <<- ' foo'\nbar\n foo\n"
prop_readHereDoc17= isWarning readScript "cat <<- ' foo'\nbar\n foo\n"
prop_readHereDoc17= isWarning readScript "cat <<- ' foo'\nbar\n foo\n foo\n"
prop_readHereDoc18= isWarning readScript "cat << foo\nLoose \\t\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc19= isOk readScript "# shellcheck disable=SC1117\ncat << foo\nLoose \\t\nfoo"
prop_readHereDoc20= isWarning readScript "cat << foo\n foo\n()\nfoo\n"
prop_readHereDoc21= isOk readScript "# shellcheck disable=SC1039\ncat << foo\n foo\n()\nfoo\n"
readHereDoc = called "here document" $ do
fid <- getNextId
pos <- getPosition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1638,37 +1641,95 @@ readPendingHereDocs = do
mapM_ readDoc docs
readDoc (HereDocPending (T_HereDoc id dashed quoted endToken _) ctx) =
swapContext ctx $ do
swapContext ctx $
docPos <- getPosition
tokenPos <- Map.findWithDefault (error "Missing ID") id <$> getMap
(terminated, wasWarned, lines) <- readDocLines dashed endToken
let hereData = unlines lines
unless terminated $ do
unless wasWarned $
debugHereDoc tokenPos endToken hereData
fail "Here document was not correctly terminated"
list <- parseHereData quoted docPos hereData
addToHereDocMap id list

-- Read the lines making up the here doc. Returns (IsTerminated, Lines)
readDocLines :: Monad m => Dashed -> String -> SCParser m (Bool, Bool, [String])
readDocLines dashed endToken = do
pos <- getPosition
hereData <- concat <$> rawLine `reluctantlyTill` do
linewhitespace `reluctantlyTill` string endToken
string endToken
void linewhitespace <|> void (oneOf "\n;&#)") <|> eof
spaces <- linewhitespace `reluctantlyTill` string endToken
verifyHereDoc dashed quoted spaces hereData
str <- rawLine
isEof <- option False (eof >> return True)
(isEnd, wasWarned) <- subParse pos checkEnd str
| isEnd -> return (True, wasWarned, [])
| isEof -> return (False, wasWarned, [str])
| True -> do
(ok, previousWarning, rest) <- readDocLines dashed endToken
return (ok, wasWarned || previousWarning, str:rest)
-- Check if this is the actual end, or a plausible false end
checkEnd = option (False, False) $ try $ do
-- Match what's basically '^( *)token( *)(.*)$'
leadingSpacePos <- getPosition
leadingSpace <- linewhitespace `reluctantlyTill` string endToken
string endToken
trailingPos <- getPosition
trailers <- lookAhead $ many (noneOf "\n")
let ppt = parseProblemAt trailingPos ErrorC
unless (null trailers) $
if all isSpace trailers
then ppt 1118 "Delete whitespace after the here-doc end token."
else case (head $ dropWhile isSpace trailers) of
')' -> ppt 1119 $ "Add a linefeed between end token and terminating ')'."
'#' -> ppt 1120 "No comments allowed after here-doc token. Comment the next line instead."
c | c `elem` ";&" ->
trailingSpacePos <- getPosition
trailingSpace <- many linewhitespace
trailerPos <- getPosition
trailer <- many anyChar

let leadingSpacesAreTabs = all (== '\t') leadingSpace
let thereIsNoTrailer = null trailingSpace && null trailer
let leaderIsOk = null leadingSpace
|| dashed == Dashed && leadingSpacesAreTabs
let trailerStart = if null trailer then '\0' else head trailer
let hasTrailingSpace = not $ null trailingSpace
let hasTrailer = not $ null trailer
let ppt = parseProblemAt trailerPos ErrorC

if leaderIsOk && thereIsNoTrailer
then return (True, False)
else do
let foundCause = return (False, True)
let skipLine = return (False, False)
-- This may be intended as an end token. Debug why it isn't.
| trailerStart == ')' -> do
ppt 1119 $ "Add a linefeed between end token and terminating ')'."
| trailerStart == '#' -> do
ppt 1120 "No comments allowed after here-doc token. Comment the next line instead."
| trailerStart `elem` ";>|&" -> do
ppt 1121 "Add ;/& terminators (and other syntax) on the line with the <<, not here."
_ -> ppt 1122 "Nothing allowed after end token. To continue a command, put it on the line with the <<."
list <- parseHereData quoted pos hereData
addToHereDocMap id list

`attempting` (eof >> debugHereDoc pos endToken hereData)
| hasTrailingSpace && hasTrailer -> do
ppt 1122 "Nothing allowed after end token. To continue a command, put it on the line with the <<."
| leaderIsOk && hasTrailingSpace && not hasTrailer -> do
parseProblemAt trailingSpacePos ErrorC 1118 "Delete whitespace after the here-doc end token."
-- Parse as if it's the actual end token. Will koala_man regret this once again?
return (True, True)
| not hasTrailingSpace && hasTrailer ->
-- The end token is just a prefix
| hasTrailer ->
error "ShellCheck bug, please report (here doc trailer)."

-- The following cases assume no trailing text:
| dashed == Undashed && (not $ null leadingSpace) -> do
parseProblemAt leadingSpacePos ErrorC 1039 "Remove indentation before end token (or use <<- and indent with tabs)."
| dashed == Dashed && not leadingSpacesAreTabs -> do
parseProblemAt leadingSpacePos ErrorC 1040 "When using <<-, you can only indent with tabs."
| True -> skipLine

rawLine = do
c <- many $ noneOf "\n"
void (char '\n') <|> eof
return $ c ++ "\n"
return c

parseHereData Quoted startPos hereData = do
id <- getNextIdAt startPos
Expand All @@ -1684,13 +1745,6 @@ readPendingHereDocs = do
chars <- many1 $ noneOf "`$\\"
return $ T_Literal id chars

verifyHereDoc dashed quoted spacing hereInfo = do
when (dashed == Undashed && spacing /= "") $
parseNote ErrorC 1039 "Remove indentation before end token (or use <<- and indent with tabs)."
when (dashed == Dashed && filter (/= '\t') spacing /= "" ) $
parseNote ErrorC 1040 "When using <<-, you can only indent with tabs."
return ()

debugHereDoc pos endToken doc
| endToken `isInfixOf` doc =
let lookAt line = when (endToken `isInfixOf` line) $
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