Development configuration of KNIT API written in PHP, deployed using docker.
Requirements to work with project: git
, docker
, docker-compose
- Clone repository
$ git clone knit-api
- Run project
$ cd knit-api $ docker-compose up
Stop project
$ docker-compose stop
Stop project with destroying all its data
$ docker-compose down -v
Rebuild and run docker images
$ docker-compose build --pull $ docker-compose up -d
Follow log output from containers
$ docker-compose logs --follow
Feed database with default data.
$ docker-compose exec api make fixtures-reload
Clean and rebuild application cache.
$ docker-compose exec api make cache-warmup-docker
Running feature tests
$ docker-compose exec api composer behat
Run swoole sever locally
$ bin/console swoole:server:run # or $ bin/console s:s:r
Docker images:
- PHP (php:7.2-cli-alpine3.7)
- Nginx (nginx:4-alpine)
- Redis (redis:4-alpine)
- Varnish - Http Cache (alpine:3.7)
- MySQL (mysql:5.7)
PHP Stack:
- Symfony (v4.1.*)
- Swoole Extension (v4.*)
- API Platform (v2.3.*)
Always for newest version: