This program is intend to help people learn the German language, by practicing one of the major problems students have in grammar: articles and plural.
Install or update java:
$ sudo apt install default-jre
Clone repo:
$ git clone
Move to directory:
$ cd German_articles_practice/linux-version/
Give .jar
file permission to execute (if it's not already set):
$ chmod +x Main.jar
Either double-click to oper or type
$ java -jar Main.jar
Click on Artikel to practice the article of each word by choosing between der, die or das. If you press the correct answer you will get a point in richtig, otherwise you're going to get a point on falsh. If you go back to the Menu, your score will not be erased, only if you close the application.
Click on Plural to practice the plural of each word. You must type the answer. Press enter when you're done and you will get your points just as in the artikel:
Click on Wöerter to add new words. Enter the article, the word and the plural of the given word. Press Hinzufügen to add it. By selecting a word on the list you can delete it using the button löschen. You can also search for a word in the navigation bar.
An alternative way of adding words is to enter the article, word and plural at the .txt file on the bibliothek directory. You must follow this model: die Frau Frauen
- Read words from multiple .txt files