to run CI checks on git push:
git config --local core.hooksPath .githooks/
Change the auth0 domain in /src/auth_service/token
to our dev domain
ensure the following files/keys exist:
- auth0_client_id.key
- auth0_client_secret.key
- azure_openai_api_key.key
- fga_client_id.key
- fga_model_id.key
- fga_secret.key
- fga_store_id.key
To set these with the bitwarden CLI:
FGA_NOTE=$(bw get item "auth0 fga" | jq -r '.notes' | grep -o '^dev.*')
echo "$FGA_NOTE" | grep 'client id:' | sed 's#.*: ##' > fga_client_id.key
echo "$FGA_NOTE" | grep 'model id:' | sed 's#.*: ##' > fga_model_id.key
echo "$FGA_NOTE" | grep 'secret:' | sed 's#.*: ##' > fga_secret.key
echo "$FGA_NOTE" | grep 'store id:' | sed 's#.*: ##' > fga_store_id.key
unset FGA_NOTE
ensure you have the minio docker container running
docker-compose up
PORT=3000 ENGINE_PATH=/Path/to/klotho/engine/binary IAC_CLI_PATH=/Path/to/klotho/iac/binary make run
make test
make black
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "arch", "owner": "jordan", "engine_version": "1.0"}'
The id of the new architecture is returned below and used in subsequent requests
curl -X POST "$ARCHITECTURE_ID/run?state=$LATEST_STATE" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"constraints": [{"scope": "application", "operator": "add", "node": "aws:rest_api::api_gateway_01"}]}'
- if set totrue
will keep the tmp directory after a runCAPTURE_ENGINE_FAILURES
- if set totrue
will capture engine and IaC failures in thefailures
- if set to a path, will log to the file specified
pipenv requirements > requirements.txt
npm --prefix deploy install
cd deploy && pulumi up
- Grab the
- Note: service won't work yet, since the secrets don't exist
make build-frontend
(optionally with -dev or -prod)cd fontend/build && aws s3 sync . s3://{ifcp_static_site_BucketName}
aws secretsmanager put-secret-value --secret-id {} --secret-string {}
- Upload the 4 secrets according to the environment running:
cd binaries && aws s3 sync . s3://{ifcp_binary_storage_BucketName}
cd deploy && pulumi up
- This is mostly just to restart the task. It's probably failing and restarting so it might not be necessary.