⚠️ This code represents a working instance of the bot named @net_nebot on Telegram. Other bots may be running the same code, and may be used for malicious purposes. Use at your own risk!
This is not an official OpenAI nor Telegram product. This is a community project.
The code is provided as is, and is not guaranteed to work.
The easiest way to self-host the bot is to build a Docker image and run it on a server of your choice. The Dockerfile is provided in the repository.
You will need to provide the following arguments to the build command:
docker build -t telegram-chatgpt-bot . --build-arg OPENAI_TOKEN=<your_api_token> --build-arg BOT_TOKEN=<your_bot_token>
You can also run the bot locally
docker run -d --restart always --name telegram-chatgpt-bot telegram-chatgpt-bot
The bot is currently available in the following languages: English, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian. Feel free to contribute translations for other languages! The ChatGPT API itself understands a lot more languages, so go give it a try!