Plugin to to allow easy running of the spf13/cobra generator wihin a gb project. The cobra generator is used to working with a $GOPATH.
go get
go get
go get -v
$GOPATH/bin should be in your $PATH, gb-cobra assumes the cobra executable can be found in $PATH.
This is based on Doug Clark's gb-run plug-in, the primary difference being that gb-run adds GB_PROJECT_DIR/vendor to the GOPATH, which is not allowable for the cobra tool.
Or from the shell, if PROJ_DIR is set to the value of GB_PROJECT_DIR from gb env
(assume /Users/kkeuning/gb-projects/test-app), then:
gb-run cobra init $PROJ_DIR/src/newAppName
Would be the equivalent of executing:
env GOPATH=$PROJ_DIR:$PROJ_DIR/vendor cobra init $PROJ_DIR/src/newAppName
which results in:
Error: Cobra only supports project within $GOPATH
With a few minor changes to create a gb-cobra plug-in:
gb cobra init $PROJ_DIR/src/newAppName
Is the equivalent of executing:
env GOPATH=$PROJ_DIR cobra init $PROJ_DIR/src/newAppName
results in:
Your Cobra application is ready at
Give it a try by going there and running `go run main.go`
Add commands to it by running `cobra add [cmdname]`
Of course, within a gb project you ill be running gb build
, not go run main.go
and gb cobra add [cmdname]
rather than just cobra add [cmdname]
as instructed.
It could be overkill to create a plug-in for this, but its a convenience.