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API List

주문API (pip install pandas 선행!)

Request type Description
GET 주문 데이터 얻기(completed가 False 인 것만)
POST 주문 데이터 생성
PATCH 조리 완료 설정
DELETE 주문 데이터 삭제 -> 사용 X!

사용 예제

GET (return status 200 / 404)

  1. 특정 주문 데이터 조회(pk 값 없으면 404 에러) :
axios.get("/orders", {params:{pk:int}})
  1. 전체 주문 데이터 조회 (당일 주문만) :
  • return
{"data" : {"OrderList" : [ {
                        "order_pk": 43, 
                        "order_time" : "2020-11-15 18:24:49", 
                        "menus": [{"product_pk": 9, "menu_name": "리코타 샐러드", "quantity": 1, "options": ["닭가슴살", "계란"]}]
                        }, ...
                      ] } }              

POST (return status 201 / 400)

  • 주문 데이터 삽입 (totalPrice는 꼭 리액트에서 계산해서!)

    • 데이터 예시 (형식 안맞으면 400 에러)
                         "options":[1, 3],
  • API 콜'/orders', {data:data})

PATCH (return status 204 / 404)

  • 조리 완료 (completed = True), (pk 값 없으면 404 에러)
    • orderPK(int)는 필수로!
axios.patch('/orders', {pk:orderPk})

DELETE (return status 204)

  • 주문 데이터 삭제 (일단 만들기 했지만, 사용 X), (pk 값 없으면 404 에러)
axios.delete('/orders', {params:{pk:orderPk}})


Request type Description
GET 매출 데이터 얻기

GET (return status 200)

  • completed가 True 인 것만
  • 날짜 범위 맞지 않는 것은 리액트에서 처리해서!
  1. 전체 매출 데이터 조회:
axios.get("/statistics", {params:{startDate : startDate, endDate : endDate})
  • return 예시
{"data" : [
            {"날짜": "2020-11-15", "주문 건수": 1, "매출": 10000},
            {"날짜": "총합", "주문 건수": 1, "매출": 10000}
            ] }
  1. 메뉴 매출 데이터 조회:
axios.get("/statistics", {params:{startDate : startDate, endDate : endDate, menu : true})
  • return 예시
{"data" : [
            {"메뉴": "리코타 샐러드", "개수": 3, "매출": 18000},
            {"메뉴": "목살 샐러드", "개수": 3, "매출": 18000},
            {"메뉴": "총 합", "개수": 6, "매출": 36000},
            ] }
  1. 옵션 매출 데이터 조회
axios.get("/statistics", {params:{startDate : startDate, endDate : endDate, option : true})
  • return 예시
{"data" : [
             {"옵션": "계란", "개수": 1, "매출": 500},
            {"옵션": "닭가슴살", "개수": 4, "매출": 6000},
            {"옵션": "목살", "개수": 1, "매출": 2000},
            {"옵션": "총 합", "개수": 6, "매출": 12000}
            ] }

모든 get 메소드에 아무런 데이터 안 보내면 전체 데이터 반환 (Category, Menu, Option)



data = {'pk' : ...}로 넣어주면 get과 delete 가능
data = {'name' : ...}로 넣어주면 post 가능
data = {'pk' : ..., 'name" ...}로 넣어주면 patch 가능


      let status = axios.get('/category', {params:data})
      return status

      let status ='/category', data)
      return status



      let status = axios.patch('/category', data)
      return status

      let status = axios.delete('/category', {params : data})
      return status


{'data' : {'categoryPk' : ..., 'categoryName' : ...}, 'status' : 200}

status가 404 요청한 값 상태 안 좋음 status가 400 줄 값 없음 이라는 뜻이니 처리

Status codes

The API is designed to return different status codes according to context and action. This way, if a request results in an error, the caller is able to get insight into what went wrong.

The following table gives an overview of how the API functions generally behave.

Request type Description
GET Access one or more resources and return the result as JSON.
POST Return 201 Created if the resource is successfully created and return the newly created resource as JSON.
GET / PUT Return 200 OK if the resource is accessed or modified successfully. The (modified) result is returned as JSON.
DELETE Returns 204 No Content if the resource was deleted successfully.

The following table shows the possible return codes for API requests.

Return values Description
200 OK The GET, PUT or DELETE request was successful, the resource(s) itself is returned as JSON.
204 No Content The server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no additional content to send in the response payload body.
201 Created The POST request was successful and the resource is returned as JSON.
304 Not Modified Indicates that the resource has not been modified since the last request.
400 Bad Request A required attribute of the API request is missing, e.g., the title of an issue is not given.
401 Unauthorized The user is not authenticated, a valid user token is necessary.
403 Forbidden The request is not allowed. For example, the user is not allowed to delete a project.
404 Not Found A resource could not be accessed. For example, an ID for a resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed The request is not supported.
409 Conflict A conflicting resource already exists. For example, creating a project with a name that already exists.
412 Indicates the request was denied. May happen if the If-Unmodified-Since header is provided when trying to delete a resource, which was modified in between.
422 Unprocessable The entity could not be processed.
429 Too Many Requests The user exceeded the application rate limits.
500 Server Error While handling the request, something went wrong server-side.


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