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File sharing for Kiwi IRC

  • Upload files from you computer / device
  • Take a webcam photo or video
  • Paste files / images directly into Kiwi IRC
  • Auto delete files after a time period

This plugin includes a file uploading server that will store any user uploaded files on the server and then offer them as file downloads with a unique URL. The option to delete files after a set time period discourages users from using the server as a permanent file store.


Downloading the file upload server's source code

$ git clone && cd plugin-fileuploader

Running the file upload server from source

$ go run .

Building the server for production

$ go build

Running the server as a webircgateway plugin

Add the following to the webircgateway config:


Adjust BasePath and CorsOrigins as needed in fileuploader.config.toml.

Create a symlink to plugin-fileuploader/webircgateway-plugin/fileuploader-server.go in webircgateway/plugins/fileuploader/plugin.go.

Run make in the webircgateway/ folder to build the plugin.

Start the webircgateway.

Building the Kiwi IRC plugin

The kiwi plugin is the javascript file that you link to in your kiwiirc configuration. It is the front end that provides the upload UI.

  • $ yarn start will start a webpack development server that hot-reloads the plugin as you develop it. Use the URL http://localhost:9000/main.js as the plugin URL in your kiwiirc configuration.
  • $ yarn build will build the final plugin that you can use in production. It will be built into dist/main.js.
Loading the plugin into kiwiirc

Add the plugin javascript file to your kiwiirc config.json and configure the settings:

	"plugins": [
			"name": "fileuploader",
			"url": "http://localhost:9000/plugin-fileuploader.js"
	"fileuploader": {
		"server": "http://localhost:8088/files",
		"maxFileSize": 10485760,
		"note": "Add an optional note to the upload dialog"

If you're running the fileuploader server as a webircgateway plugin, use the webircgateway hostname, e.g.

		"server": "",

Database configuration

File uploads are logged into a database. Currently the supported databases are sqlite3 and mysql.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


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