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Kivy ( extensions

Usefull extensions of the kivy.uix.popup.Popup class.


  • XPopup - extension for the :class:~kivy.uix.popup.Popup. Implements methods for limiting minimum size of the popup and fit popup to the app's window. For more information, see

  • XBase - subclass of XPopup, the base class for all popup extensions. Supports an easy way to add a set of buttons to the popup. Use it to create your own popup extensions. For more information, see

  • XNotifyBase - the base class for notifications. Implements the popup with a label. Use it to create your own notifications. For more information, see Subclasses:

    • XNotification - a popup that closes automatically after a time limit.

    • XMessage, XError, XConfirmation - templates for often used notifications.

    • XProgress - a popup with progress bar.

    • XLoading - a popup with a gif image.

  • XForm - a simple basis for the UI-forms creation. For more information, see Subclasses:

    • XSlider - a popup with a slider.

    • XTextInput - a popup for editing singleline text.

    • XNotes - a popup for editing multiline text.

    • XAuthorization - a simple authorization form.

  • XFilePopup - a popup for file system browsing. For more information, see Subclasses:

    • XFileOpen - a popup for selecting the files.

    • XFileSave - a popup for saving file.

    • XFolder - a popup for selecting the folders.


To see a demonstration, you need to perform one of the following:

Version history

  • 0.3.1

    XFilePopup.filters - new property, binded to kivy.uix.filechooser.FileChooser.filters

    XFolder now shows only folders

  • 0.3.0

    Added support for localization. For more information, see

    Added support for custom labels and buttons. For more information, see

    Added XLoading - shows a 'loading.gif' in the popup

  • 0.2.3

    XForm.required_fields - new property, list of required fields

    XNotes.lines - new property, default text for the TextInput as list of strings

    XSlider.title_template - new property, formatted string for display the slider's value in the title.

    XAuthorization.autologin - now supports 'None' (to hide checkbox)

    XForm.get_value() - fixed bug (exception in Python 3.x)

  • 0.2.2

    Added support for python 3.x

  • 0.2.1

    XNotifyBase - added checkbox 'Do not show this message again'

    XProgress.complete() now takes optional parameters: text (for custom message) and show_time (for custom time-to-close)

    XProgress.autoprogress() - new method which starting infinite progress increase in the separate thread

  • 0.2

    Added XFilePopup, XFileOpen, XFileSave, XFolder (classes of the popup for file system browsing).

    Some minor changes.

  • 0.1

    Initial release