Quickly create and develop full-stack Scala apps with ZIO and Laminar.
Via Homebrew
brew tap kitlangton/zio-app
brew install zio-app
Via Source
git clone https://github.com/kitlangton/zio-app.git
cd zio-app
sbt cli/nativeImage
- Create a new project.
zio-app new
# Configure your new ZIO app.
# ? Project Name (example) zio-app-example
cd zio-app-example
- Launch file-watching compilation and hot-reloading dev server:
zio-app dev
# Launches:
│ zio-app running at http://localhost:3000 │
│ ││ │
│ ││ │
│[info] welcome to sbt 1.5.2 ││[info] welcome to sbt 1.5.2 (│
│[info] loading global plugin││[info] loading global plugins│
│[info] loading settings for ││[info] loading settings for p│
│[info] loading project defin││[info] loading project defini│
│[info] loading settings for ││[info] loading settings for p│
│[info] set current project t││[info] set current project to│
│[warn] sbt server could not ││[warn] sbt server could not s│
│[warn] Running multiple inst││[warn] Running multiple insta│
│[info] compiling 6 Scala sou││[info] compiling 6 Scala sour│
│[info] done compiling ││[info] done compiling │
│[info] compiling 12 Scala so││[info] compiling 3 Scala sour│