这是 OWASP Cheat Sheet Series 项目的中文翻译版本。我们希望通过翻译来帮助中文开发者更好地了解和实践 Web 应用安全。
- 本项目专注于翻译
目录下的核心内容 - 翻译力求准确、通顺,同时保留重要的专业术语
- 欢迎社区贡献者参与翻译和审校工作
- 翻译工作已全部完成
- 所有文件已翻译并位于
Welcome to the official repository for the Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP) Cheat Sheet Series project. The project focuses on providing good security practices for builders in order to secure their applications.
In order to read the cheat sheets and reference them, use the project official website. The project details can be viewed on the OWASP main website without the cheat sheets.
🚩 Markdown files are the working sources and aren't intended to be referenced in any external documentation, books or websites.
We're easy to find on Slack:
- Join the OWASP Group Slack with this invitation link.
- Join the #cheatsheets channel.
Feel free to ask questions, suggest ideas, or share your best recipes.
We are actively inviting new contributors! To start, please read the contribution guide.
This project is only possible thanks to the work of many dedicated volunteers. Everyone is encouraged to help in ways large and small. Here are a few ways you can help:
- Read the current content and help us fix any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors.
- Choose an existing issue on GitHub and submit a pull request to fix it.
- Open a new issue to report an opportunity for improvement.
This link allows you to download a build (ZIP archive) of the offline website.
The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series website can be built and tested locally by issuing the following commands:
make install-python-requirements
make generate-site
make serve # Binds port 8000
The OWASP Cheat Sheet Series website can be built and tested locally inside a container by issuing the following commands:
docker build -t cheatsheetseries .
docker run --name cheatsheetseries -p 8000:8000 cheatsheetseries
podman build -t cheatsheetseries .
podman run --name cheatsheetseries -p 8000:8000 localhost/cheatsheetseries
- From 2014 to 2018: V1 - Initial version of the project hosted on the OWASP WIKI.
- From 2019: V2 - Hosted on GitHub.
A special thank you to the following people for their help provided during the migration:
- Dominique Righetto: For his special leadership and guidance.
- Elie Saad: For valuable help in updating the OWASP Wiki links for all the migrated cheat sheets and for years of leadership and other project support.
- Jakub Maćkowski: For valuable help in updating the OWASP Wiki links for all the migrated cheat sheets.
Open Web Application Security Project and OWASP are registered trademarks of the OWASP Foundation, Inc.