A extended example of using Haskell Monad transformer RWST in combination with the Free monad. Here, I implement a simple Pong Game which is interpreted in two ways:
In the IO monad in order to play the game, getting the input commands from stdin and printing the game snapshots on the terminal.
In a pure custom monad for testing purposes.
newtype PongGame a = PongGame { runPG :: RWST Env (Seq Event) PongState (Free PongGameF) a }
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadFree PongGameF
type PureInterM a = WriterT (Seq PongState) (Except InvalidGame) a
game :: PongGame ()
game =
let go = do
unlessM checkGameTerminated $ do
whenM checkGamePaused $ do waitForUnpauseCommand >>= handleCommand
cmd <- getCommand
handleCommand cmd
when (cmd == Tick) printGameSnapshot
in logEvent GameStarted >> go
# 'w' -> MoveUpP1
# 's' -> MoveDownP1
# 'o' -> MoveUpP2
# 'l' -> MoveDownP2
# 'p' -> Pause
# 'q' -> Quit
# run and play <windowWidth> <windowHeight> <paddleHeight> <fps> <logFile>
cabal run pong -- 70 25 5 60 "./pong.log"
# install and play
../pong/cabal install
../pong 70 25 5 60 "./pong.log"
# run test suite
cabal test
Made with ♥ in Málaga by José Velasco