A neovim interface to Jira.
- Maximalism - an all-encompassing interface to Jira vs. tiny lib.
- Integration - integrate with popular neovim plugins for an enhanced UX. Telescope, Snacks Picker, etc.
Vim compatibility.
Please follow along with the initial release discussion for an overview of the project's status.
- Instead of using the Jira API directly in all cases, this plugin leverages the jira-cli tool to interact with Jira. You'll need to install it and configure it with your Jira credentials in order to use some of the features of this plugin.
Use your favourite plugin manager to install it. eg:
Using packer.nvim
use {
requires = {
'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', -- optional
'folke/snacks.nvim', -- optional
config = function ()
require'jira'.setup() -- see configuration section
Using lazy.nvim
dependencies = {
'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', -- optional
'folke/snacks.nvim', -- optional
opts = {}, -- see configuration section
First of all, you'll need to create a personal Jira API token.
By default, jira.nvim is configured a to use few environment variables you'll need to set them or override them in setup order to use the plugin:
- Your atlassian usernameJIRA_API_TOKEN
- Your personal API tokenJIRA_DOMAIN
- The domain of your Jira instance, i.e.example.atlassian.net
jira_api = {
domain = vim.env.JIRA_DOMAIN,
username = vim.env.JIRA_USER,
token = vim.env.JIRA_API_TOKEN
use_git_branch_issue_id = true,
git_trunk_branch = 'main', -- The main branch of your project
git_branch_prefix = 'feature/', -- The prefix for your feature branches
There is only an Jira [arguments] command.
Object | Action | Description |
issue | view [issue_id] | View the given issue, if none provided it will attempt to extract one out of the current git branch (disabled via use_git_branch_issue_id ), else falls back to a prompt |
transition [transition_name] [issue_id] | Transition the ticket to a given status. Will attempt to extract issue ID from git branch, and will prompt if no options given | |
create | Create a new issue. Will prompt for all required fields. It will also prompt you to create a branch with the created issue ID in the name. |
Additionally, the transition command has a Telescope picker.
:Telescope jira transitions
Otherwise you can use the key mappings below. (Telescope / Snacks)
There are no default mappings, but you can create your own. Here's an example:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>jv', '<cmd>Jira issue view<cr>', {})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>jc', '<cmd>Jira issue create<cr>', {})
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>jt', require("jira.pickers.telescope").transitions, {}) -- Telescope
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>jt', require("jira.pickers.snacks").transitions, {}) -- Snacks