The Stock Comparison Dashboard graphs cumulative and relative returns of over 9000 stocks listed on the NYSE (such as ORCL and JPM) and NASDAQ (such as AAPL and META), along with select currency and cryptocurrency exchange rates (such as BTC-USD and GBP-USD), to view and compare their performance over a selected time.
Visit the website to use the web app. Select the stocks/currencies/cryptocurrencies, start date, and end date. Then, the graphs of their relative and cumulative returns are displayed below.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- Pandas
pip install pandas
- Streamlit
pip install streamlit
- Yfinance
pip install yfinance
git clone [email protected]:kharnoor/stock-comparison-dashboard.git
cd stock-comparison-dashboard/
streamlit run
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.