an app I built after learning Vue for about 2 days (3-4h/day)but without concentration!.
just 'Hello, World' in Vue/any UI framework, hope you enjoy it.
- Vue : Progrerssive UI framework
- Bootstrap : no need to explain
- Paper : Material Design theme for Bootstrap from the Bootswatch.
- Web Maker : a Chrome extension, I use it to test small things, while reading. a CodePen-like exprience.
- Brackets Editor : powerful editor. give it a look!
- read the code
- request a missing feature or open issue (if found..)
- fallow me on GitHub & Twitter.
- star the Rebo.
- and say helloo/good bye!
I will be very happy to see "Hello! khaled" in my Inbox. so se**** it to me.Or I nothing😬