Attempts to resolve a path by walking up from a specified directory.
$ npm install utils-upsearch
var upsearch = require( 'utils-upsearch' );
Attempts to resolve a (file or directory) path
by walking up from a specified directory.
upsearch( '.npmrc', done );
function done( error, path ) {
if ( error ) {
return console.error( error );
if ( path === null ) {
return console.log( 'Unable to resolve path.' );
console.log( path );
// returns /path/to/.npmrc
By default, the function
begins searching in the current working directory. To begin searching from a different directory, set the dir
var opts = {
'dir': '/path/to/a/directory'
upsearch( '.npmrc', opts, done );
Synchronously attempts to resolve a (file or directory) path
by walking up from a specified directory.
var path = upsearch.sync( '.npmrc' );
// returns /path/to/.npmrc
To begin searching from a particular directory, set the dir
var opts = {
'dir': '/path/to/a/directory'
var path = upsearch.sync( '.npmrc', opts );
// returns /path/to/.npmrc
If unable to resolve a path
, the method returns null
var path = upsearch.sync( './../../non/existent/dir/or/file/path' );
// returns null
var readFile = require( 'utils-upsearch' );
// Sync:
var path = upsearch.sync( 'utils-upsearch', {
'dir': __dirname
console.log( path );
// returns /path/to/utils-upsearch
path = upsearch.sync( 'non_existent_basename' );
console.log( path );
// returns null
// Async:
upsearch( '.npmrc', { 'dir': process.cwd() }, onPath );
upsearch( './../non_existent_path', onPath );
function onPath( error, path ) {
if ( error ) {
throw error;
console.log( path );
To run the example code from the top-level application directory,
$ node ./examples/index.js
Unit tests use the Mocha test framework with Chai assertions. To run the tests, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:
$ make test
All new feature development should have corresponding unit tests to validate correct functionality.
This repository uses Istanbul as its code coverage tool. To generate a test coverage report, execute the following command in the top-level application directory:
$ make test-cov
Istanbul creates a ./reports/coverage
directory. To access an HTML version of the report,
$ make view-cov
Copyright © 2015-2016. Athan Reines.