This meter plugin collects metrics from the ActiveMQ node using the embedded Jolokia instance that allows measurement collection via a REST API.
OS | Linux | Windows | SmartOS | OS X |
Supported | v | v | v | v |
- To install new meter go to Settings->Installation or [see instructons|].
- To upgrade the meter to the latest version - [see instructons|].
Field Name | Description |
pollInterval | How often should metrics be gathered from ActiveMQ? |
host | The server from which ActiveMQ stats should be gathered |
broker_name | The name of the ActiveMQ broker which should be monitored |
port | The port on which ActiveMQ metrics can be retrieved |
username | The administrative user which can gather ActiveMQ metrics |
password | The password for the administrative user |
Metric Name | Description |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_TOTALS_QUEUES | The total number of ActiveMQ queues active on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_TOTALS_TOPICS | The total number of ActiveMQ topics active on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_TOTALS_PRODUCERS | The total number of data producers for ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_TOTALS_CONSUMERS | The total number of data consumers for ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_TOTALS_MESSAGES | The total number of messages being processed by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_STATS_ENQUEUE | The total number of messages written to queues by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_STATS_DEQUEUE | The total number of messages read from queues by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_BROKER_STATS_INFLIGHT | The total number of messages currently in flight in ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE_STATS_DISPATCH | The total number of messages dispatched by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE_STATS_EXPIRED | The total number of messages expired by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_MESSAGE_STATS_QUEUE_SIZE | The total queue size of queues managed by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_MEM_USED | The total memory used by ActiveMQ on this node |
ACTIVEMQ_STORE_USED | The total storage used by ActiveMQ on this node |
- ActiveMQ Summary