agnes is a NES emulation library written in C with an easy to use API. It consists of only 2 files (agnes.h and agnes.c).
- Only 2 files (agnes.h and agnes.c).
- Easy to use.
- MIT licensed.
- Supports NROM, UxROM, MMC1 and MMC3 mappers.
agnes_t *agnes = agnes_make();
agnes_load_ines_data(agnes, game_data, game_data_size);
while (true) {
agnes_input_t input;
agnes_set_input(agnes, &input, NULL);
for (int y = 0; y < AGNES_SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < AGNES_SCREEN_WIDTH; x++) {
agnes_color_t c = agnes_get_screen_pixel(agnes, x, y);
display_pixel(x, y, c);
Full and working examples can be found in examples directory.
git clone
and copy agnes.h and agnes.c to you source code tree.
(in tests directory) to compile and run tests.
Since I cannot add roms to this project they must be downloaded manually. Please look at contents of examples/recs.tar.gz for names of roms that are required to run tests. Emulator testing roms (such as nestest.nes or official_only.nes) can be obtained from here. If you want to update add a recording or update an existing one run recorder
(located in tests dir).
- APU emulation.
- Optimizations.
- More mappers.
- Being able to access CPU and PPU state using API.
agnes.c can be split into separate files by running utils/
utils/ --input agnes.c --output-path src
It can be joined back into a single file with utils/
utils/ --template utils/agnes.c.templ --path src --output agnes.c
I will always merge working bug fixes. However, if you want to add something new to the API, please create an "issue" on github for this first so we can discuss if it should end up in the library before you start implementing it.
Other open-source NES emulators, that were extremely helpful as a reference:
Also, many thanks to Mateusz Belicki for all his suggestions and help.