Emperiments with different libraries and (eventually) algorithms for pricing American Options. Currently only using a standard binomial model.
The various implementation in AmrPut
* is based on the R-code from
Rolf Poulsen's FAMØS paper
Amerikanske optioner og finansielle beregninger.
The Haskell implementations do not define a Main module, so in order
to compile them to standalone executables you have to pass an
appropriate -main-is
option to GHC. For example:
ghc -O3 --make AmrPut.hs -main-is AmrPut -o AmrPut
Check the source file for the module name to use.
Experiments done using Haskell library criterion
, on a MacBook Pro
(early-2010 model).
Data.Vector.Unboxed, optimised with GHC 7.4.2 -O3 (AmrPut.hs)
Fuction call Time (ms)
AmrPut.binom 1 0.8 ± 0.02
AmrPut.binom 16 207 ± 6
AmrPut.binom 30 941 ± 36
AmrPut.binom 64 5576 ± 58
AmrPut.binom 128 27750 ± 468
The experiments below demonstrate that the use of fusable functional vectors (FFVs) can give a runtime improvement of more than 20 percent compared to a Vector/VectorSlice implementation. The experiments were done running with Mlton on a MacBook Pro (mid-2012 model):
Vector/VectorSlice (AmrPut.sml):
bash-3.2$ time ./AmrPutVec
AmrPut.binom(1) = 6.74543295136
AmrPut.binom(8) = 13.9456888384
AmrPut.binom(16) = 16.2225913859
AmrPut.binom(30) = 17.6537059071
AmrPut.binom(64) = 18.4299315651
AmrPut.binom(128) = 18.5737326153
real 0m17.551s
user 0m17.499s
sys 0m0.046s
Functional Vectors (AmrPutVec.sml):
bash-3.2$ time ./AmrPutVec
AmrPut.binom(1) = 6.74543295136
AmrPut.binom(8) = 13.9456888384
AmrPut.binom(16) = 16.2225913859
AmrPut.binom(30) = 17.6537059071
AmrPut.binom(64) = 18.4299315651
AmrPut.binom(128) = 18.5737326153
real 0m13.288s
user 0m13.272s
sys 0m0.015s
With the use of Unsafe.Vector in the implementation of the Fvec.memoize function, real time drops to 12.57s.
To redo the experiments, for each case, alter the file AmrPutVecTest.sml appropriately and run
$ make AmrPutVec; time ./AmrPutVec
To get the desired speedups, the programmer is required to insert memoize operations at subtle places in the source code; see the file AmrPutVec.sml for details.