Built for LÖVE 11.4. Full support for ARM based Macs, Raspberry Pi 4, tvOS, and Intel.
See http://www.love2d.org for more info.
Picraft was built using Lovecraft as a starting point. However, the code has been completely rewritten. A few stray files remain, but most can be safely removed from the project.
The purpose of this software is demonstrate how different algorithms can be used to produce different results. See lua code files under game/generators for examples.
p_random and perlin noise code has been added to the code. checkout game/random.lua and game/perlin.lua to checkout to the algorithms.
Each level in the game uses either a different generator or a different seed.
zip -r game picraft.love
love11.4 tests
love11.4 game
Made with the LÖVE framework http://www.love2d.org
Inspired by lovecraft, a game by Middlerun