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This repository holds the code for converting the Delphes EDM to the EDM4hep format. It offers standalone executables as well as integration into the Key4hep framework via Gaudi.

k4SimDelphes allows some configuration of its output, more information about this configuration can be found in this doc

Build status

Key4hep build DOI



Required for framework integration:

Optional for standalone executables:

The Spack recipe for k4SimDelphes has more detailed information on build requirements and conflicts.

Build and install

The easiest way to build and install k4SimDelphes is to use an existing Key4hep installation that brings all the required dependencies along. From there the steps follow the usual chain of events: cloning the repository, running cmake and then building and installing

source /cvmfs/
git clone
cd k4SimDelphes
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
make install

To use this newly installed version (instead of the one that comes with the Key4hep installation) it is necessary to alter the environment slightly

cd ../install
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:${PATH}
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

If you are not on a RedHat based system you might have to change lib64 to lib in the last command above.


Using the BUILD_TESTING=ON (default) enables and builds some additional tests for k4SimDelphes. After the build has completed these can be run via

# list all available tests
ctest -N
# Run all tests
# Run a specific test (matching on the name) with verbose output
ctest -R PythiaConverter_ee_Z_bbbar --verbose