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kevinchannon edited this page Oct 3, 2011 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the GSL++ wiki!

GSL++ wraps the most useful functionality of the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) into a more C++ friendly form. GSL++ blocks, vectors and matrices are not wrapped GSL blocks, vectors and matrices, but are native implementations, based on STL vectors. However, they can be viewed as native GSL containers by simply calling their as_gsl_block(), as_gsl_vector() or as_gsl_matrix(). The overall aim of the library is to provide C++-style syntax without too much overhead and always allowing interoperability with native GSL components at any level—so that you don't have to re-write your whole code base to start taking advantage of GSL++ :o)

GSL++ is a work in progress and is far from complete!

Function index

  1. Mathematical functions
  2. Complex numbers
  3. Vectors & matrices
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