TesRoomba Project
Make sure you have packages from tutorials on ros wiki downloaded (turtlebot_description, turtlebot_gazebo, etc.)
These should be downloaded from lab4 already. Here they are again:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gmapping ros-kinetic-turtlebot-gazebosudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-simulatorsudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-teleopsudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-rviz-launchers
For orbslam2 submodule, use https://github.com/appliedAI-Initiative/orb_slam_2_ros NOTE: we're no longer using orbslam2 since it's a feature based slam.
For rtabmap_ros (the slam algorithm we're using), look here: http://wiki.ros.org/rtabmap_ros
To download octomap, use https://github.com/OctoMap/octomap
You will need to download sensor plugin via sudo apt-get install libgazebo7-dev, which will be used for our custom cameras in gazebo.
We may also need to use this for rectifing our images. Probably more useful for the hardware version of our project. https://github.com/ros-perception/image_pipeline
To edit the floorplan, generate a new .sdf file and add the directory to it in place of my_world.sdf. my_world.sdf is just the floorplan I first generated. .world files also work too.
To create our own sensors (like cameras) reference: http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=ros_gzplugins
To run the current floor plan, after source/devel/setup.bash and the editing the corresponding files (look below), run
export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=custom
roslaunch jump_start turtlebot_world.launch world_file:=$(rospack find jump_start)/worlds/my_world.sdf
To change the topics being published, use a remap. To change the sensors being used, instead of custom, put r200, kinect, etc. To check which ones are supported, look at the .launch files.
camera1 is the left camera. camera2 is the right camera
Added a new world to simulate a dorm room/office based on the use case. Pulled individual models from https://github.com/chaolmu/gazebo_models_worlds_collection/tree/master/models. To run this world, will need to add ~/.bashrc
export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH:<path to this repo>/models
where <path to this repo>
is the path after cloning the above repository.
The floorplan runs by just calling the same commands as above. Currently waiting on a more "touched up" floorplan, but that's an easy fix. We just have to change the world_file. Orb_slam2_ros is also up and running now. Just run roslaunch jump_start orb_slam2_ros.launch and roslaunch jump_start gmapping.launch. The orb slam launch file is based off of the r200 launch file that comes with orb_slam2_ros. We are also using a gmapping launch for localization in the space as we need this for orb slam 2 to work properly as of right now. This is because gmapping provides the transformation between the /odom frame and /camera_link frame. Not sure if gmapping is also necessary, but it's fine for now.
To get an occupany grid going, in addition to running the above, run roslaunch jump_start octomap.launch. To see it in rviz, use markerarray. NOTE THAT the octomap isn't working right now as Alex needs to fix something.
To move turtlebot, run roslaunch turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop.launch --screen.
– Alex
Since we have a somewhat occupany grid working as you can observe from octomap, we just need to condense it down to 2D. I believe that there's a "filter" for this using octomap; I saw something like that somewhere in roswiki. Now, we can also start implementing a controller and a neural network for detection. I'm not sure where hardware is at this point. It's sort of on the backburner for me (Alex).
We believe. Time is running out. Where's the avatar? So the issue with orb_slam2 is that it's a feature extractor, which means it doesn't do the full on slam that a laser does. Working on getting that fixed. For cameras, we now use stereo_image_proc because it rectifies images and makes our lives a whole lot easier since it publishes a point cloud and rectified images. However, the pointcloud it published is weird since optical cameras have a different notion of a frame (ie. the z axis points into the plane of the image). Thus, I hacked the frames such that oleft is the "normal" orientation of the left camera, which "left" is oleft rotated by rpy = -90, 0, -90 in degrees because images are weird like that.
I will be trying different slam algorithms tonight and try to get a controller up and running. We're also using a turtlebot instead of a actual roomba, which might be bad? I can't get a roomba to work in simulation unfortunately. It's stupidly difficult for no reason.
So we've decided to go with rtabmap_ros since orb_slam2 was just not cutting it for some reason. We wrote a wrapper for our camera around the turtlebot and now it's working pretty well.
As far as commands go:
export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=custom
roslaunch jump_start turtlebot_world.launch world_file:=$(rospack find jump_start)/worlds/my_world.sdf
in one terminal for world launching.
roslaunch jump_start image_proc.launch
for image processing/rectification.
roslaunch rtabmap_ros stereo_mapping.launch.
Teleoperation is the same, and you'll also have to modify some of the parameters in stereo_mapping.launch.
Here are the parameters in stereo_mapping.launch:
<!-- Backward compatibility launch file, use "rtabmap.launch rgbd:=false stereo:=true" instead -->
<!-- Your camera should be calibrated and publishing rectified left and right
images + corresponding camera_info msgs. You can use stereo_image_proc for image rectification.
$ roslaunch rtabmap_ros bumblebee.launch -->
<!-- Choose visualization -->
<arg name="rtabmapviz" default="true" />
<arg name="rviz" default="false" />
<!-- Localization-only mode -->
<arg name="localization" default="false"/>
<!-- Corresponding config files -->
<arg name="rtabmapviz_cfg" default="$(find rtabmap_ros)/launch/config/rgbd_gui.ini" />
<arg name="rviz_cfg" default="$(find rtabmap_ros)/launch/config/rgbd.rviz" />
<arg name="frame_id" default="base_footprint"/> <!-- Fixed frame id, you may set "base_link" or "base_footprint" if they are published -->
<arg name="database_path" default="~/.ros/rtabmap.db"/>
<arg name="rtabmap_args" default=""/> <!-- delete_db_on_start, udebug -->
<arg name="launch_prefix" default=""/>
<arg name="approx_sync" default="true"/> <!-- if timestamps of the input topics are not synchronized -->
<arg name="stereo_namespace" default=""/>
<arg name="left_image_topic" default="/stereo/left/image_rect_color" />
<arg name="right_image_topic" default="/stereo/right/image_rect" /> <!-- using grayscale image for efficiency -->
<arg name="left_camera_info_topic" default="/stereo/left/camera_info" />
<arg name="right_camera_info_topic" default="/stereo/right/camera_info" />
<arg name="compressed" default="false"/>
<arg name="subscribe_scan" default="false"/> <!-- Assuming 2D scan if set, rtabmap will do 3DoF mapping instead of 6DoF -->
<arg name="scan_topic" default="/scan"/>
<arg name="subscribe_scan_cloud" default="false"/> <!-- Assuming 3D scan if set -->
<arg name="scan_cloud_topic" default="/scan_cloud"/>
<arg name="visual_odometry" default="false"/> <!-- Generate visual odometry -->
<arg name="odom_topic" default="/odom"/> <!-- Odometry topic used if visual_odometry is false -->
<arg name="odom_frame_id" default="/odom"/> <!-- If set, TF is used to get odometry instead of the topic -->
<arg name="namespace" default="rtabmap"/>
<arg name="wait_for_transform" default="0.2"/>
<arg name="queue_size" default="100"/>
<include file="$(find rtabmap_ros)/launch/rtabmap.launch">
<arg name="stereo" value="true"/>
<arg name="rtabmapviz" value="$(arg rtabmapviz)" />
<arg name="rviz" value="$(arg rviz)" />
<arg name="localization" value="$(arg localization)"/>
<arg name="gui_cfg" value="$(arg rtabmapviz_cfg)" />
<arg name="rviz_cfg" value="$(arg rviz_cfg)" />
<arg name="frame_id" value="$(arg frame_id)"/>
<arg name="namespace" value="$(arg namespace)"/>
<arg name="database_path" value="$(arg database_path)"/>
<arg name="wait_for_transform" value="$(arg wait_for_transform)"/>
<arg name="rtabmap_args" value="$(arg rtabmap_args)"/>
<arg name="launch_prefix" value="$(arg launch_prefix)"/>
<arg name="approx_sync" value="$(arg approx_sync)"/>
<arg name="stereo_namespace" value="$(arg stereo_namespace)"/>
<arg name="left_image_topic" value="$(arg left_image_topic)" />
<arg name="right_image_topic" value="$(arg right_image_topic)" />
<arg name="left_camera_info_topic" value="$(arg left_camera_info_topic)" />
<arg name="right_camera_info_topic" value="$(arg right_camera_info_topic)" />
<arg name="compressed" value="$(arg compressed)"/>
<arg name="subscribe_scan" value="$(arg subscribe_scan)"/>
<arg name="scan_topic" value="$(arg scan_topic)"/>
<arg name="subscribe_scan_cloud" value="$(arg subscribe_scan_cloud)"/>
<arg name="scan_cloud_topic" value="$(arg scan_cloud_topic)"/>
<arg name="visual_odometry" value="$(arg visual_odometry)"/>
<arg name="odom_topic" value="$(arg odom_topic)"/>
<arg name="odom_frame_id" value="$(arg odom_frame_id)"/>
<arg name="odom_args" value="$(arg rtabmap_args)"/>
<arg name="queue_size" value="$(arg queue_size)"/>
export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=custom
roslaunch jump_start turtlebot_world.launch world_file:=$(rospack find jump_start)/worlds/my_world.sdf
ROS_NAMESPACE=stereo rosrun stereo_image_proc stereo_image_proc
roslaunch rtabmap_ros stereo_mapping.launch
Cool but not necessary
rosrun image_view stereo_view stereo:stereo image:=image_rect_color
configuration of rtabmapviz is in jump_start/src
12/11/20 - The final day
export TURTLEBOT_3D_SENSOR=kinetic
roslaunch jump_start turtlebot_world.launch world_file:=$(rospack find jump_start)/worlds/my_world.sdf
(Launch the world: delete the table for better vacuuming)
roslaunch jump_start gmapping.launch
(Launch gmapping)
python ~/tesroomba/src/run_tesroomba.py
(Run TesRoo: explore, query user, vacuum)
Write A* on the 2D occupancy grid @Neha look at my vacuum() function for inspiration. I'm moving to the node that I pop out from the stack. I'll be back to finish up things and presentation slides :)
The actual A* implementation is used around line 92 of run_tesroomba.py
. We use A* to get a path
(under the hood, this is a list of grid cells) from robo's current location to the target location.
Then, we uniformly pick some points as way points and pass each way point to the moveTo()