Releases: kevacoin-project/keva_wallet
v9.0.2 Release
Fixed minor UI issues.
Version 9.0.1. Update Electrumx server.
v9.0.0 Release
Updated to the Android API level 31.
v8.5.0 Release
Decentralized NFTs Trading
We are excited to bring you 100% decentralized trading of NFTs on Keva mobile app! Simply add your creative works in your profile and you are ready to sell your NFTs, no coding required! You can buy NFTs by simply submitting bids. No escrow services are required as Keva blockchain guarantees the payment and receiving of the NFTs at the same time.
V8.2.1 Release
This is a bug fix release. It fixes the issue that other people's namespaces are showing up in my namespaces when they reward my posts.
V8.2.0 Release
This release fixes a lots of issues with hashtags. You can go into multiple layers of hashtags without crashing the app. It also fixes the incorrect replies with different namespaces.
Thanks for using Keva mobile wallet!
V8.1.5 Release
This is a bug fix release. It fixed an issue in namespace management.
V8.1.4 Release
This is a bug fix release. It will check network connection before creating a new namespace. It also fixes the deletion of messages/posts.
V8.1.3 Release
This is a bug fix release. It fixes the namespace short code issue when the code is too long.
Thanks for using Kevacoin wallet!
V8.1.1 Release
This is a minor bug fix release. It fixes the error message "You are paying ... satoshi per byte" when sending Kevacoins.