This repository helps to resolve the Workplace / Facebook integration problem with Microsoft Bot Framework. Below are the steps followed in this repository for establising connection between Facebook /Workplace and Microsoft Bot Framework
Install the Facebook Adapter Nuget Package using the below script in the Package Manager Console
Install-Package Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Adapters.Facebook
Create an Adapter Class for Handling requests from FB / Worplace like the one below.
public class AdapterWithFBErrorHandler : FacebookAdapter { public AdapterWithFBErrorHandler(IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<BotFrameworkHttpAdapter> logger) : base(configuration, logger) { OnTurnError = async (turnContext, exception) => { // Log any leaked exception from the application. logger.LogError(exception, $"[OnTurnError] unhandled error : {exception.Message}"); // Send a message to the user await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("The bot encountered an error or bug."); await turnContext.SendActivityAsync("To continue to run this bot, please fix the bot source code."); // Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in the Bot Framework Emulator await turnContext.TraceActivityAsync("OnTurnError Trace", exception.Message, "", "TurnError"); }; } }
Register the created Adapter class in Startup.cs file as below.
// Create the FB Adapter for handling requests from FB / Workplace services.AddSingleton<FacebookAdapter, AdapterWithFBErrorHandler>();
Next step is to create an endpoint for handling requests from FB / Workplace This can be achieved by creating a controller in BotController.cs file.
[Route("api/facebook")] [ApiController] public class FBController : ControllerBase { private readonly IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter Adapter; private readonly IBot Bot; public FBController(IBotFrameworkHttpAdapter adapter, IBot bot) { Adapter = adapter; Bot = bot; } [HttpPost, HttpGet] public async Task PostAsync() { // Delegate the processing of the HTTP POST to the adapter. // The adapter will invoke the bot. await Adapter.ProcessAsync(Request, Response, Bot); }
To establish connection between Facebook and Azure, create a verify token and store in appsetting.json file like below.
"FacebookVerifyToken": "", // You can create an unique token which needs to be configured in Facebook / Workplace "FacebookAppSecret": "", // App Secret taken from FB when creating App in FB for Chatbot "FacebookAccessToken": ""// Access token taken from FB when creating App in FB for Chatbot
Note : In Facebook / Workplace configurations, specify your App Service end point as the one like below. along with the FacebookVerifyToken you created in appsettings.json.
Happy Coding!!