Open source some py integration modules to automate Data and Analytics Observability
Adds Data Observability capabilities such as lineage
tracking, data profiling
of input and output data sources, data set
and schema
discovery for python libraries:
- pandas
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- google bigquery
- boto3
- requests
- pysftp
- gluonts
- psycopg2 (PostgreSQL)
pip install kensu
pip install ".[all]"
pip install ".[all]"
CONF_FILE=tests/unit/conf.ini pytest
The default configuration file is located at the root folder conf.ini
Otherwise, the CONF_FILE
environment variable can point to another one.
Connect to API
- kensu_ingestion_url
- kensu_ingestion_token
Meta information about the python application
- project_name
- environment
- process_name
- user_name
- code_location
Behavior of the data observability features
- do_report: if False, no data observability information are reported
- logical_data_source_naming_strategy: TODO - explain data source grouping strategies such as File, ...
Extra libraries support (TODO: to be extracted in different modules)
- pandas_support: Boolean
- sklearn_support: Boolean
- bigquery_support: Boolean
- tensorflow_support: Boolean
- kensu_sql_parser_url: URL to an external server capable of handling SQL parsing into lineage
- name: Name of the reporter (currently we use the class name as a convention, such as
Each reporter has its own conf keys.
Dispatches to several reporters
- reporters: JSON array of the reporter names, e.g. reporters["KafkaReporter", "FileReporter"]
- bootstrap_servers=[]
- topic=kensu-events
- file_name=kensu-events.jsonl
- level=WARN
Check out Kensu.