A non-exhaustive list of dank projects.
- #saveminecraft
- 1.8 - Has more exploits and security issues than days it is old.
- 1.7 - Like 1.8 but worse and even older.
- Every closed-source, paid (1.8) Paper fork - "[Optimized] [Cannons] [Everything is multithreaded]." If this list can give one piece of serious advice: Do not waste your money on them.
- NFTWorlds - Selling Minecraft seeds and skins on the blockchain and getting mad at Mojang for disallowing their wonderful practices.
- StellarDev, Aside from the usual closed-source Spigot forks, get paid to steal code without attribution, bar a little slip up...
- Yatopia, Mirai - Ouch.
- Hybrid Servers (Forge/Something else + Bukkit) - Servers that combine
two incompatible APIs and break them both in the process.
- CatServer - Breaking license restrictions.
- Mohist - Swapped Essentials' plugin jar after trying to submit a PR to Essentials to fix their own end of the Bukkit API. Then tried to turn Essentials' PSA regarding security concerns into an ad.
- PolyMC - Common sense and decency? Never heard of her.
- Songoda - We still tell tales of one of the most sketchy plugin marketplaces.
- Yooniks - If you feel like you have too much money and you are looking for closed-source forks of Bungee/Spigot, look no further.
- Kangarko - Advertising genius behind paid plugin-courses.
- Latest victim of his blame: All of SpigotMC
- EpicWorldGenerator - Because it sure is worth spending $20 for something that has several free alternatives with the same features.
- WorldQL - A prime example of the power of advertising, vastly blown out of proportion despite countless 🚩.
- Leaf - Optimizing already fast code by making it 10x slower (not to be confused with the also dumb Spottedleaf)
- EntityTrackerFixer - Minecraft tracks alot of entities - so let's just not do that.
- PM2 - 10/10 review and resource bumping (not to be confused with pm2 Process Manager).
- SunLight - Taking RGB chat formatting to another level, parsing hex codes in other plugins' commands with the only way around that being to use their library to convert them back.
- ProVotes - Premium in the least premium way possible.
- Purpur - What if someone made a fork instead of just creating plugins doing the same things?
- ClearLagg - Causes more lag than it removes and doesn't even know its own name.
- gitmoji - Using emojis on commit messages provides an easy way of identifying the purpose or intention of a commit with only looking at the emojis used... as long as you can learn the intended, sometimes overlapping use of 80 only vaguely cohesive emojis by heart (guess what 🍱 means).
- FastAsyncWorldEdit - Fast, fast at breaking things.
- AsyncWorldEdit - Like FAWE, but slower and breaking the WorldEdit license.
- CMI - A substitute for EssentialsX for the people that think paid=good. Also the only plugin in existence that had a ping command that
- parses placeholders in the optional player argument
- has a placeholder to send messages to the console
- makes that console display possible by having the console execute the argument in a command
- SkinsRestorer -
System.out.println("[SkinsRestorer] ")
,try {} catch (Exception e) {}
". - ViaVersion - Continuously allows evil to exist.
- ProtocolSupport - Like ViaBackwards, just with even more evil.
- Retrooper
- Retrooper, again
- The Duper Trooper - Clickbait YouTube channel that "leaks" often outdated exploits and encourages bad habits around security issues.
- kennytv - German streamer who has repeatedly failed to meet streaming obligations
- alexisl315 - Your go-to dev for so bad it's funny Skript recreations of popular plugins.
This section is the only part of this page you should actually take somewhat seriously.
- "Super optimized all-in-one server" alternatives: The most performant AND properly stable will likely always be Paper.
- Info: (not necessarily bound to Yatopia)
- "Hybrid" (Forge/something else + Bukkit) server info/alternatives: Essentials' PSA.
- Anti-lag plugin alternative setup and info: and
- Dupe fixer alternative: Simply use Paper (not one of the cursed forks as mentioned above) and stay on the latest version of Minecraft ... unless you run a creative server, then plugins make sense to clear data-spammed items.
- EWG info/alternatives:
- SkinsRestorer alternative: For the love of god, don't use offline mode.
- CMI alternative: EssentialsX, given its free, open source, and you are less likely to run into problems, or will have them fixed faster... though there isn't really anything wrong with liking CMI how it is, either.
If you're looking for hot projects around Minecraft, take a look at
This list does not mean you must not use any of the above-mentioned, or that all of them are actually bad (especially the lower you go down the list). Take it lightly and please correct any plainly wrong information. Have a nice day 🐥.