I rebuilt my .vimrc
and .gvimrc
as vim9script in July/August 2023. That
was a valuable exercise because it helped me purge unused things.
It also de-cluttered because I’d made the vimscript version handle all sorts
of versions before vim9, all the way back to 7.x (which is now deprecated,
though still handled in the _vimrc8
and _gvimrc8
With vim9script allowing an initial vimscript section, the approach taken is
to have the .vimrc
only source _vimrc8
and _gvimrc8
(if using
the GUI) when the version is before 8.2.3434.
If the version is 9 (or 8.2.3434 onwards, where vim9script works adequately)
the .vimrc
, or _vimrc
, is used. Those files are identical.
(Similarly, the .gvimrc
or _gvimrc
.) So, this is what happens:
Version and patch | Loads (all) | Loads (GUI) |
gvim 900 or >=802 patch 3434 |
_vimrc |
_gvimrc |
gvim <802 patch 3434 |
_vimrc8 (sourced by _vimrc) |
_gvimrc8 (sourced by _vimrc) |
vim 900 or >=802 patch 3434 |
_vimrc |
vim <802 patch 3434 |
_vimrc8 (sourced by _vimrc) |
To repeat, .vimrc and .gvimrc are clones of vimrc and _gvimrc respectively.
They may be used by Linux, WSL, etc., but it’s just as straightforward to make
a symbolic link to the versions, which has the added advantage of showing
up with a normal ls or ls -l .
There are only a few things in the vim9script _vimrc
that are not compatible
with versions before the version 9.0.x. However, it is possible
to utilise features in later versions as they come up. In those instances it
is necessary to make those only called with a v:versionlong
test. An example is the option cdhome
, which was not available until
version 8.2 with patch 3780:
if v:versionlong >= 8023780
set cdhome
If the GUI is not needed, using .vimrc and .vimrc8 (if necessary) directly
in the $HOME
directory is the simplest approach.
Alternatively, Vim will read a .vimrc
symbolic link, so another means to
ensure a clean local repository is to have a ~/vimrc
folder (i.e., in the
same location as the .vimrc
used by Vim). That also allows for a clean
cloned git repository and for easy updating back to github. If the GUI is
used, similarly, have a symbolic link to ~/vimrc
folder and have the
in there too.
The _vimrc
is a clone of the .vimrc
; there is nothing in either that
is incompatible with the other operating system. That is, everything
should work in Windows and Linux (or WSL) and vice versa.
There are some conditional sections to handle the differences, though those are mostly around display.
The GUI is applicable to both operating systems. From 2023-07-15,
I separated most of the GUI-specific things into a .gvimrc
- this was driven by making a specific Toolbar for gvim.
It is also the recommended way of keeping GUI-related settings distinct.
This has grown a bit but it is still nowhere near as large as the .vimrc
which makes sense.
One consideration around this is the order of loading of plugins. Reviewing
output of --startuptime
, the following is seen, in this order:
folder-containing plugins (e.g., in vim-asciidoctor) sourced by _vimrc are loaded first along with othervim90
folder .vim files (e.g., syntax.vim) -
is next, which is followed by its packadd\opt
folder plugins. -
folder plugins are next (e.g., netrwPlugin.vim). -
is almost last, sourced just before the GUI starts.
What this means is that setting things in the $HOME\_gvimrc
needs to
be considered in the context of the things that could impact that which
have already been loaded. For example, a lot of mappings have been made
by the time the _gvimrc
is sourced.