A small library for react to communicate with graphQL
It helps you write applications that use tools you are familiar with from the react ecosystem. react-reach is designed to be used along side redux and react. React-reach works as the layer that handles communication of data between React and graphQL. Reach enables developers to make queries and mutations against GraphQL.
When developing applications with react everything goes smoothly until you begin
to account for request to the server. Usually you would go about making network
request to specified endpoints with REST, or networks request to "/graphql"
if you use GraphQL. Now Relay may come to mind, and what makes reach different
is that it only does one thing. You can use reach along Redux.
The goal is to make fetching data from a GraphQL server as easy as this:
//.reachGraphQL() to make a query for some data
//params: reachGraphQL(url, query/mutation, queryParameters)
.reachGraphQL('localhost:1000', `{
user(id: "1") {
}`, {})
//.reachWithDispatch() to make a query and dispatch actionCreator passed in
//To be used with redux-thunk or any similar middleware.
//params: reachWithDispatch(url, query/mutation, queryParameters, actionCreator)
.reachWithDispatch('localhost:1000', `{
user(id: "1") {
}`, {}, somePredefinedActionCreator)
Its now in Beta. Basic Functionality, if you find bugs or if anything isn't working properly please report it.