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flume-taildirectory-source [DEPRECATED]

Project is no longer maintained. If you need a Flume source for ingesting local data try:


Source of Flume NG for tailing files in a directory. This plugin is based on jinoos ([email protected]) Is refactored to support logs rotate in windows and linux, and the code has been cleaned to much more simple working, and apache.common.vfs2 dependency has been replaced with the native java 7 java.nio library. Thanks for the inspiration.

mvn package

Make the directory in flume installation path $FLUME_HOME/plugins.d/tail-directory-source/lib and copy the file flume-taildirectory-source-1.1.1.jar in it. Edit flume configuration file with the parameters above.

Property Name Default Description
Channels -
Type - org.apache.flume.source.taildirectory.DirectoryTailSource
dirs - NICK of directories, it's such as list of what directories are monitored
dirs.NICK.path - Directory path
unlockFileTime 1 Delay to check not modified files to unlock the access to them ( in minutes )
fileHeader false Include file absolute path in events header
fileHeaderKey file Key of file absolute path header
basenameHeader false Include file base name in events header
basenameHeaderKey basename Key of file base name header
followLinks false Follow symbolic links to directories referenced in monitorized directories
  • Example
agent.sources = tailDir
agent.sources.tailDir.type = org.apache.flume.source.taildirectory.DirectoryTailSource
agent.sources.tailDir.dirs = monitDir1 monitDir2
agent.sources.tailDir.dirs.monitDir1.path = /var/lib/flume/tailDir-1
agent.sources.tailDir.dirs.monitDir2.path = /var/lib/flume/tailDir-2
agent.sources.tailDir.dirs.unlockFileTime = 1
agent.sources.tailDir.basenameHeader = true
agent.sources.tailDir.basenameHeaderKey = basenameFilename
agent.sources.tailDir.fileHeader = true
agent.sources.tailDir.fileHeaderKey = file
agent.sources.tailDir.followLinks = false

agent.sources.tailDir.channels = memoryChannel