I'm a 2nd year Bioengineering Doctoral Student at UC San Diego focused on improving brainstem Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) under the guidance of Dr. Thomas Liu{:target="_blank"} and Dr. Albert Hsiao{:target="_blank"}. My work takes both an acquisition-based as well as an AI-centric, correction-based approach to minimizing off resonance and motion related artifacts that significantly hinder the accuracy of brainstem functional imaging.
Prior to joining UC San Diego as a Bioengineering doctoral student, I completed a Bachelor's of Arts in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science in May of 2022 and a Master's of Science in Electrical Engineering Computer Science (EECS) in May of 2023 at UC Berkeley. I also focused on minimizing cardiac and respiratory induced motion artifacts using microwave frequencies to track subject motion under the guidance of Dr. Michael Lustig{:target="_blank"} throughout my undergraduate and graduate studies at UC Berkeley.
In addition to medical imaging, I have research experience in utilizing mathematical models to understand biological systems and I'm also very interested in mathematical oncology and biophysics. My current research interests include biomedical imaging, biophotonics, signal processing theory, biomedical signals, biomechanics, and biofluid dynamics.
Bioengineering Doctoral Student
Masters of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering Computer Science
Awarded on May 12 2023
Bachelors of Arts in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science with Honors
Awarded on May 13 2022
Associates of Arts in Engineering and Technology with Honors
Awarded on June 18 2017
Associates of Arts in Natural Sciences with Honors
Awarded on June 18 2017
September 2024 - present
Ruth L. Kirschstein Institutional National Research Service Award Recipient (NIH/NBIB T32 Grant). [More Information]{:target="_blank"}
September 2024 - present
Interfaces Graduate Training Program provides trainees with additional coursework, professional development, and mentorship focused on the "Multi-Scale Analysis of Biological Structures and Function". "Successful completion of the PhD requirements and the specialization requirements leads to the specific doctoral designation, Ph.D. in Bioengineering with a Specialization in Multi-Scale Biology. This is a unique distinction only afforded to students in the participating departments of the Interfaces Program." [More Information]{:target="_blank"}
September 2023 - present
Awarded the Sloan Scholar Fellowship for an outstanding undergraduate and graduate academic record as well as for demonstrating a strong commitment "to enhance diversity to the benefit of the entire campus community". Sloan Scholars receive numerous career and leadership building opportunities in addition to a financial award. [More Information]{:target="_blank"}
Lamar K. Respiratory and Cardiac Motion Correction Using the Beat Pilot Tone. Master's thesis, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, May 2023. UCB/EECS-2023-169.
[Master's Thesis]{:target="_blank"}
Lamar-Bruno K, Anand S, Lustig M. Cardiac and Respiratory-Resolved Image Reconstruction using the Beat Pilot Tone. ISMRM-ESMRMB 2022 Abstract, May 2022.
[Abstract]{:target="_blank"} [Journal]{:target="_blank"}
Lamar-Bruno, K. Retrospective Motion Correction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Beat-Pilot Tone. UC Berkeley Mathematics Honors Program 2022.
[Honors Thesis]{:target="_blank"} [Honors Program]{:target="_blank"}
Lamar, K. Mechanical Integrator. HTCC Building Bridges Journal, 5 March 2017.
[Abstract]{:target="_blank"} [Journal]{:target="_blank"}
** Some of the above links require additional permissions in order to view. Please contact Katie Lamar if you would like access.
Cardiac and Respiratory-Resolved Image Reconstruction with the Beat Pilot Tone. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022 Joint Meeting.
Retrospective Motion Correction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Beat Pilot Tone. UC Berkeley Engineering Research Symposium 2021.
Retrospective Motion Correction for Magnetic Resonance Imaging using the Beat Pilot Tone. Summer Undergraduate Program in Engineering Research at Berkeley (SUPERB) 2021 Poster Session.
[Technical Talk Recording]{:target="_blank"} [SUPERB REU]{:target="_blank"}
Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Methods via DNA Nanotechnology. Undergraduate Laboratory @ Berkeley Physics & Astronomy (ULAB) 2020 Showcase.
[Poster]{:target="_blank"} [ULAB Physics & Astronomy]{:target="_blank"}
** Some of the above links require additional permissions in order to view. Please contact Katie Lamar if you would like access.
BENG 280A: Principles of Biomedical Imaging Graduate Teaching Assistant
[course description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Fall 2024]
BENG 135: Biomedical Signals & Systems Graduate Teaching Assistant
[course description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Fall 2023]
Math 1A: Single Variable Calculus Graduate Student Instructor
[course description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Spring 2023]
BioEng C165 Medical Imaging Signals & Systems Head Graduate Student Instructor
[course description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Fall 2022]
Math 53: Multivariable Calculus Undergraduate Student Instructor
[course description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Spring 2022]
EECS 16A: Designing Information Devices and Systems I Lab Assistant
[course description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Fall 2021]
Residential Tutoring Program Mathematics Tutor
[program description]{:target="_blank"} [Dates: August 2018 - December 2021]
Student Learning Center Mathematics Tutor
[program description]{:target="_blank"} [Term: Summer 2018]