Embulk output plugin to load into Google Spreadsheets.
- Plugin type: output
- Load all or nothing: no
- Resume supported: no
- Cleanup supported: yes
embulk gem install embulk-output-google_spreadsheets
- service_account_email: Your Google service account email (string, required)
- p12_keyfile: Fullpath of private key in P12(PKCS12) format (string, required)
- spreadsheet_id: Your spreadsheet id (string, required)
- sheet_index: sheet index (int, optional default: 0)
- application_name: Anything you like (string, optional defaulf: "Embulk-GoogleSpreadsheets-OutputPlugin")
type: google_spreadsheets
service_account_email: '[email protected]'
p12_keyfile: '/tmp/embulk.p12'
spreadsheet_id: '1RPXaB85DXM7sGlpFYIcpoD2GWFpktgh0jBHlF4m1a0A'
$ ./gradlew gem