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This is a collection of config files of my everyday C++ programming on Fedora. These config files are specially optimized for building C++ project with CMake. It includes:

  • Zsh: My own oh-my-zsh,forked from .
  • VIM: Based on the Basic version of amix/vimrc.
  • AStyle: An astylerc file for AStyle 2.04 or higher.
  • Git: Global gitconfig and gitignore file.
  • Others: Two scripts for clang building with ccache.


These config files contain some my personal information such as username and email. Because of this, it is recommended that fork this repository and change the personal information before installing. You can run the never-tested installation script to install.


Oh-my-zsh makes Zsh quite good to use. I forked it and made some changes:

  • Changed the status sign of Git from o/x to ✔/✘. But these two characters cannot be displayed well under SSH.
  • Added some alias related to CMake:
    • cmake: Compile the debug configuration, and export the build command.
    • clang-cmake: Build with clang/clang++ instead of gcc/g++.
    • ninja-cmake: Build with ninja instead of make.
    • nc-cmake: The combination of ninja-cmake and clang-cmake.
  • Changed the default theme to ys,and enabled these plugins: git, git-flow, autojump and sudo.

See for more information.


VIM is a little bit hard to configure. There are a thousand vimrcs for a thousand programmers. I've googled amix/vimrc several years ago, and used the Awesome version without any thought. There are a lot plugins making VIM slow, and most of them are not used in my everyday C++ programming. So, I make my own version of vimrc based on its Basic version by adding a few nice plugins. It's specially optimized for the editing-building of the projects that meet all of the conditions below:

  • The project is written in C/C++.
  • The project is built with CMake + make/ninja + gcc/g++/clang/clang++.
  • The project is built in the build directory under its top directory.
  • The project is 'cmaked' by the cmake alias above, or with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=1.
  • Copy vimrc/ to the top directory of the project and rename it to

If so, the VIM can:

  • C/C++ code completion

Code, snippet and filesystem completion based on the source code of the project. The completion list will popup almost instantly after inputting ., -> or ::. Press Ctrl+N/Ctrl+P to move around the list, and press Tab to complete. To complete code at any time, press Ctrl+Space.

  • Fast compiling

No matter where the file you are editing in, press F7 to build in build directory under the top directory of the project. The quickfix window will popup automatically on error, and press ,n/,p to move around the errors.


Backup and remove the original .vimrc and .vim under $HOME, and make a symbol link to rc/vimrc named .vim. It's not needed to create a $HOME/.vimrc. VIM will read the secondary user config file $HOME/.vim/vimrc (at least in Fedora).

mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.bak
mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.bak
ln -s /path/to/where-you-clone-rc/vimrc ~/.vim

Included plugins

The plugins below are included. It is recommended that read their own documents when using.

And the plugins they depend on.

Key mappings

Set the map leader to ,:

let mapleader = ","
let g:mapleader = ","

Fast saving by pressing ,w:

nmap <leader>w :w!<cr>

Treat the long lines as break lines when moving with j/k:

map j gj
map k gk

Press Space to search:

map <space> /

Press ,Enter to disable highlight:

map <silent> <leader><cr> :noh<cr>

Search in selections when pressing */# in visual mode:

vnoremap <silent> * :call VisualSelection('f', '')<CR>
vnoremap <silent> # :call VisualSelection('b', '')<CR>

Press Ctrl+j/k/h/l to move around windows:

map <C-j> <C-W>j
map <C-k> <C-W>k
map <C-h> <C-W>h
map <C-l> <C-W>l

Tab key mappings:

map <leader>tn :tabnew<cr>
map <leader>to :tabonly<cr>
map <leader>tc :tabclose<cr>
map <leader>tm :tabmove
map <leader>t<leader> :tabnext

Press ,te to open a buffer in the same directory of current buffer:

map <leader>te :tabedit <c-r>=expand("%:p:h")<cr>/

Map 0 to move to the first non-whitespace character:

map 0 ^

Quickfix window key mappings:

map <leader>cc :botright cope<cr>
map <leader>co ggVGy:tabnew<cr>:set syntax=qf<cr>pgg
map <leader>n :cn<cr>
map <leader>p :cp<cr>

Press ,m to remove ^M in Windows files:

noremap <Leader>m mmHmt:%s/<C-V><cr>//ge<cr>'tzt'm

Press ,pp to toggle paste mode:

map <leader>pp :setlocal paste!<cr>

My own key mappings are listed below.

Press F7 to build when editing C/C++ files:

autocmd FileType c,cpp nnoremap <F7> :make<CR><CR>

Press Alt+O to open related file:

nnoremap <silent> <A-o> :AT<CR>

Press Alt+G to go to declaration or definition:

nnoremap <silent> <A-g> :YcmCompleter GoTo<CR>

Press F11 to toggle the tag list:

nnoremap <silent> <F11> :TlistToggle<CR>

Press F12 to comment using Doxygen style:

nnoremap <silent> <F12> :Dox<CR>

Personal Information

The username and email config of vim-template is set at the end of vimrc. You should change it.

let g:username = "Roy QIU"
let g:email = "[email protected]"


The git's username and email is set in gitconfig. You should change it, too. Some alias is added as well.

br = branch
co = checkout
st = status


Artistic Style

You can read the document of AStyle to see what the astylerc means.

clang & ccache

Using ccache with clang is not as easy as with gcc. But I've found some script outside the Great Firewall: here and here. Just copy the two scripts to /usr/lib/ccache in Fedora.

sudo cp scripts/clang* /usr/lib/ccache/


My own rc files.







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