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Intro to Data Science with R

This GitHub repository contains the R code for the "TechConference 2021: Intro to Data Science with R" impulse session.

We will explore this Kaggle dataset of worldwide UFO sightings!

[The] dataset contains over 80,000 reports of UFO sightings over the last century.

We will add another Kaggle dataset of US international air traffic to our data exploration.

  • If you're interested in exploring the data, please find the two datasets in the 01_data folder.

  • If you get stuck exploring the data yourself or need some inspiration for tackling the data, feel free to look at the solution R script in the 02_scripts folder.

How to Get Started

There are two ways to start analyzing the data:

  1. Click on the green Code button above, download the ZIP file and extract it on your computer. Then, download R and RStudio IDE. Lastly, open the intro_to_data_science_with_r_2021_10_08.Rproj file via RStudio IDE.

  2. Click on the green Code button above, and copy the link Go to RStudio Cloud and create a free account. Click on New Project and New Project from Git Repository. Then, paste the previous link to deploy the project on RStudio Cloud.

Additional Resources


TechConference 2021: Intro to Data Science with R







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