This is a clone of Apple's Podcasts. The SwiftUI version can be found here.
- Searching for podcasts using iTunes API.
- Saving info about favorite podcasts on disk, so a user can see them offline.
- Downloading episodes for listening to without an Internet connection.
- Networking REST API v3 (Moya).
- JSON parsing using
. - XML parsing podcasts' meta information (FeedKit).
- Programmatically UI (SnapKit).
- SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- R.swift - Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects.
Make sure you have Xcode installed from the App Store. Then run the following commands in Terminal:
cd OldPodcasts
pod install
open Podcasts.xcworkspace
MIT License. See LICENSE.