The stub for a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Acceptance Test Suite using Cucumber + Capybara + Selenium WebDriver + RSpec [+ Sauce Labs, optional].
You need Ruby and Bundler installed.
Note: If you're using a ruby manager (e.g. Ruby Version Manager (RVM)): the project ships with .ruby-version
and .ruby-gemset
files that will require ruby-1.9.3-p448
and assures that a project-specific gemset (bdd-acceptance-test-suite-stub
) exists.
In order to run your tests on the Sauce Labs Cloud Testing Platform you need to have a Sauce Labs account.
git clone [email protected]:openwebcraft/bdd-acceptance-test-suite-stub.git
cd bdd-acceptance-test-suite-stub
bundle install
- Describe behaviour in plain text, e.g.
. - Write a step definition in Ruby, e.g.
). Good starting point for newbies: Step Definitions (Cucumber Wiki). - Run and watch it fail...
- Write code to make the step pass...
- Run again and see the step pass
- Repeat 2-5 until all green. :-)
Run your tests with:
bundle exec cucumber
The above should produce an output that looks like this:
Feature: Google Search
As a user of Google Search
I want to be able to get relevant results for my search query
In order to find what I'm looking for
Scenario: Searching for a term # features/google/google_search.feature:6
Given I am on # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:1
When I enter "the answer to the question of life" # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:5
Then I should see a list of results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:9
And I should see "42" in the results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:13
1 scenario (1 passed)
4 steps (4 passed)
The project ships with a ready to use integration with Sauce Labs - a Mobile and Web App Cloud Testing Platform.
In order to run your tests on Sauce Labs you need to set up the Sauce Gem.
By adding the Sauce Labs credentials as environment variables your keeping them out of your repositories and available to all your Sauce Labs tools using projects.
Open ~/.bash_profile
and add the following lines:
export SAUCE_USERNAME= export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=<access_key>
You'll then need to re-load that profile with source ~/.bash_profile
The integration is enabled by way of the @selenium
tag in Cucumber. So edit your *.features
files and add the tag to each of the Features you would like to test using Sauce Labs. E.g. for the Feature: Google Search in features/google/google_search.feature
Feature: Google Search
As a user of Google Search
I want to be able to get relevant results for my search query
In order to find what I'm looking for
Scenario: Searching for a term
Given I am on
When I enter "the answer to the question of life"
Then I should see a list of results
And I should see "42" in the results
Run your tests with:
bundle exec cucumber
The above should then produce an output that looks like this:
Feature: Google Search
As a user of Google Search
I want to be able to get relevant results for my search query
In order to find what I'm looking for
Scenario: Searching for a term # features/google/google_search.feature:7
[Connecting to Sauce Labs...]
Given I am on # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:1
When I enter "the answer to the question of life" # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:5
Then I should see a list of results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:9
And I should see "42" in the results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:13
Given I am on # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:1
When I enter "the answer to the question of life" # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:5
Then I should see a list of results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:9
And I should see "42" in the results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:13
Given I am on # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:1
When I enter "the answer to the question of life" # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:5
Then I should see a list of results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:9
And I should see "42" in the results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:13
Given I am on # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:1
When I enter "the answer to the question of life" # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:5
Then I should see a list of results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:9
And I should see "42" in the results # features/step_definitions/google_steps.rb:13
1 scenario (1 passed)Sauce Labs: Supported Device, OS, and Browser Platforms
You can configure your desired test platforms in the file spec/sauce_helper.rb
For available platforms check out Sauce Labs: Supported Device, OS, and Browser Platforms.