This is an introductory course to the Elm language. The idea is to build a pet application that will cover the basics of the language and some of its fundamental concepts.
We will be building a random quote machine that display famous quotes from "Zlatan"
This is how the app will look like : demo
The workshop will be divided into the following steps :
1 - Introduction to the Syntax :
2 - Html To Elm
Convert the following markup thanks to
- 3 - An overview of the Elm Architecture
4 - Create your first Pet App using the Elm Architecture
- Introduction to Records and List Data Type
- Create a Browser Sandbox Application
- Display content from the Model
- Create a quote pagination with a naive JS Like approach ( using a counter and the Array Type )
- Introduction to the Maybe Type
- Introduction to Custom Types
5 - The Elm way
- An introduction to making impossible states impossible
- Implementation of a more Elmish way of handling the pagination
- Installation of an external package that helps to model a ZipList
6 - Adding some Side Effects
- Upgrading from a Browser sandbox app to a Browser element App
- Implementation of quotes Randomization