This progect - based on and
config-reloader is a simple binary to trigger a reload when Kubernetes ConfigMaps or Secrets are updated. It watches mounted volume dirs and notifies the target process changed files on dirs. If changes exist - send webhook.
- Send webook if files in dirs changed (if configmap or secret have been changed)
- Control many dirs
- Unarchive .gz archive to file and update file, if .gz has been changed
- Init mode (stop after unarchive)
- Prometheus metrics
It is available as a Docker image at
Usage of ./out/config-reloader:
-dir-for-unarchive string
Directory where the archives will be unpacked (default "/tmp/unarchive")
Init mode for unarchive files. Works only if volume-dir-archive exist. Default - false
-volume-dir value
the config map volume directory to watch for updates; may be used multiple times
-volume-dir-archive value
the config map volume directory to watch for updates and unarchiving; may be used multiple times
-web.listen-address string
Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default ":9533")
-web.telemetry-path string
Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
-webhook-method string
the HTTP method url to use to send the webhook (default "POST")
-webhook-retries int
the amount of times to retry the webhook reload request (default 1)
-webhook-status-code int
the HTTP status code indicating successful triggering of reload (default 200)
-webhook-url value
the url to send a request to when the specified config map volume directory has been updated