class website:
more detailed lessons here: lesson plans (working doc, subject to change/be broken)
lesson 1: working with arrays
start in
we will learn how to load arrays of text into an HTML file
- watch coding train on arrays: youtube
- example: add arrays to DOM elements (this will make more sense in a demo)
- example: roll the dice
lesson 2: interactive poems with js
continue in
we will play with animation, onclick, event handlers, delays
- example: reverse erasure poem
- example: wiggly poem
- example: jquery draggable + adding images
lesson 3: uploading to github pages
download files locally, create github repo
use github pages to host for free
- example (tbd): storing variables of user input
- example: making an archive / reader — uses vue.js, trendy new framework
- task: find a website you like. inspect it and try to remake it on your own
lesson 4: playing with rita rhyming
- task: play with examples on rita website:
- example: changes to rhyming word on click
lesson 5: playing with word2vec on ML5 OR rita markov
- tbd