This library was built to take advantage of the complex modeling features available in OpenApi3. It generates Kotlin data classes with advanced support for features such as:
- Null Safety
- Inlined schema definitions
- Enumerations
- Sealed Classes
- Polymorphism (
) - Maps of Maps of Maps
- GraalVM Native Reflection Registration
More than just bootstrapping, this library can be permanently integrated into a gradle or maven build and will ensure contract and code always match, even as APIs evolve in complexity.
The team that built this tool initially contributed to the Kotlin code generation ability in OpenApiTools, but reached the limits of what could be achieved with template-based generation. This library levarages the rich OpenApi3 model provided by KaiZen-OpenApi-Parser and uses Kotlin Poet to programatically construct Kotlin classes for maximum flexibility.
It was built at Zalando Tech and is battle-tested in production there. It is particulary well suited to API's built according to Zalando's REST API guidelines. It is available on Maven Central at the following coordinates:
The library currently has support for generating:
- Jackson annotated data classes
- Spring MVC annotated controller interfaces
- OkHttp Client - with the option for a resilience4j fault-tolerance wrapper
The test directory forms a living documentation full of code examples generated from different OpenApi3 permutations.
Below showcases one single example from this directory, which uses an enum discriminator to generate polymorphic sealed classes:
openapi: 3.0.0
type: object
propertyName: some_enum
obj_one: '#/components/schemas/ConcreteImplOne'
obj_two: '#/components/schemas/ConcreteImplTwo'
$ref: '#/components/schemas/EnumDiscriminator'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolymorphicEnumDiscriminator'
- type: object
type: string
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/PolymorphicEnumDiscriminator'
- type: object
type: string
type: string
- obj_one
- obj_two
use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY,
property = "some_enum",
visible = true
value = ConcreteImplOne::class,
name =
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ConcreteImplTwo::class, name = "obj_two")
sealed class PolymorphicEnumDiscriminator() {
abstract val someEnum: EnumDiscriminator
enum class EnumDiscriminator(
val value: String
) {
data class ConcreteImplOne(
val someProp: String? = null
) : PolymorphicEnumDiscriminator() {
override val someEnum: EnumDiscriminator = EnumDiscriminator.OBJ_ONE
data class ConcreteImplTwo(
val someProp: String? = null
) : PolymorphicEnumDiscriminator() {
override val someEnum: EnumDiscriminator = EnumDiscriminator.OBJ_TWO
This section documents the available CLI parameters for controlling what gets generated. This documentation is generated using: ./gradlew printCodeGenUsage
Parameter | Description |
--api-file |
This must be a valid Open API v3 spec. All code generation will be based off this input. |
--api-fragment |
A partial Open API v3 fragment, to be combined with the primary API for code generation purposes. |
* --base-package |
The base package which all code will be generated under. |
--http-client-opts |
Select the options for the http client code that you want to be generated. |
RESILIENCE4J - Generates a fault tolerance service for the client using the following library "io.github.resilience4j:resilience4j-all:+" |
--http-model-opts |
Select the options for the http models that you want to be generated. |
X_EXTENSIBLE_ENUMS - This option treats x-extensible-enums as enums |
JAVA_SERIALIZATION - This option adds Java Serializable interface to the generated models |
QUARKUS_REFLECTION - This option adds @RegisterForReflection to the generated models. Requires dependency "'io.quarkus:quarkus-core:+" |
MICRONAUT_INTROSPECTION - This option adds @Introspected to the generated models. Requires dependency "'io.micronaut:micronaut-core:+" |
--output-directory |
Allows the generation dir to be overridden. Defaults to current dir |
--targets |
Targets are the parts of the application that you want to be generated. |
HTTP_MODELS - Jackson annotated data classes to represent the schema objects defined in the input. |
CONTROLLERS - Spring annotated HTTP controllers for each of the endpoints defined in the input. |
CLIENT - Simple http rest client. |
QUARKUS_REFLECTION_CONFIG - This options generates the reflection-config.json file for quarkus integration projects |
Fabrikt is packaged as an executable jar, allowing it to be integrated into any build tool. The CLI can be invoked as follows:
java -jar fabrikt.jar \
--output-directory '/tmp' \
--base-package 'com.example' \
--api-file '/path-to-api/open-api.yaml' \
--targets 'client' \
--targets 'http_models' \
--http-client-opts resilience4j
Here is an example of a Gradle task with code generated to the build/generated
directory, and execution linked to the compile task.
val fabrikt: Configuration by configurations.creating
val generationDir = "$buildDir/generated"
sourceSets {
main { java.srcDirs("$generationDir/src/main/kotlin") }
test { java.srcDirs("$generationDir/src/test/kotlin") }
tasks {
val generateCode by creating(JavaExec::class) {
main = "com.cjbooms.fabrikt.cli.CodeGen"
args = listOf(
"--output-directory", generationDir,
"--base-package", "com.example",
"--api-file", "/path-to-api/open-api.yaml",
"--targets", "http_models",
"--targets", "client",
"--http-client-opts", "resilience4j"
withType<KotlinCompile> {
kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "11"
dependencies {
fabric("com.cjbooms:fabrikt:+") // This should be pinned
This library is published to Sonatype's OSS staging repository using Github actions when a release is drafted. It can be manually promoted from there to the release repository which is indexed by Maven Central.