I started solving problems in the second edition of "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" by Abelson et al. I will use this repository to post the solutions.
There are different interpreters available. Here are a couple of them with instructions on how to set them up:
DrRacket is an extensible IDE with an interpreter for Racket. You can get an installer from here. In order to add the Scheme support and run the scripts in this repository, you will also need to install the sicp
package. To do that, go to File -> Package Manager and type sicp
in the search box.
Repl.It is a free web-based IDE that lets you write and run code in a plethora of languages, including Scheme. Repl.It uses BiwaScheme - a javascript based interpreter for Scheme. BiwaScheme has a conformance with R6RS - the 6th major revision of Scheme language specification. The problem is that some procedures, which were built into R5RS were dropped in R6RS. Most notably, the remainder
procedure is not included in R6RS because it can be expressed in terms of mod
and other arithmetic procedures. This is the reason that I don't recommend using Repl.it or BiwaScheme for SICP problems (unless, of course, you're willing to implement missing procedures yourself).