Accepted paper in IEEE Trans on Cybernetics, 'PANet: Patch-Aware Network for Light Field Salient Object Detection', Yongri Piao, Yongyao Jiang, Miao Zhang, Jian Wang and Huchuan Lu.
Windows 10
PyTorch 1.4.0
CUDA 10.0
Cudnn 7.6.0
Python 3.6.5
Numpy 1.16.4
Modify your path of training dataset in
Run for training the saliency model, the maximum of training iterations is 500000.
Run for training the MSLM model, the maximum of training iterations is 5000.
Run for training the SRM model, the maximum of training iterations is 5000.
Run for training the second decoder, the maximum of training iterations is 500000.
Download pretrained models from here. Code: qwer
Modify your path of testing dataset in
Run test to inference saliency maps
DUTS-LFSD&HFUT-LFSD&LFSD, Download link. Code: qwer
Contact:Yongyao Jiang. Email:[email protected]