This repository hosts the final project for a course of Ethereum and SmartContracts. Is a DApp for ethers donations.
A PPT presentation in spanish is available.
Install truffle and an ethereum client. For local development, try EthereumJS TestRPC.
npm install -g truffle npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc truffle version # Truffle v4.0.1 (core: 4.0.1) # Solidity v0.4.18 (solc-js)
Install dependencies.
npm install
Run testrpc on a separate terminal
npm run startrpc
Compile the contracts and deploy.
truffle migrate
Run the tests.
truffle test
Run the web app.
npm run start # and navigate to http://localhost:4200
Note: If while compiling, angular fails with ERROR in src/app/services/contracts.service.ts(8,29): error TS2307: Cannot find module '../../../build/contracts/Donator.json'
but you already compiled the contracts, I fix it just writing a space in src/app/app.component.ts
and angular will compile again successfully.