A lot of changes in this release, mostly related to selecting node groups and how they behave (well, a lot better now!).
Now it is possible to perform all operations on the selected nodes at once (set color, set text color, move, delete..).
Some major bugs fixed and stability improved.
New features:
Fix GitHub Issue #115: Missing Hotkey for Fullscreen: F11
Fix GitHub Issue #119: Implement group actions
Make it possible to move group by move handle
Make it possible to set text color for a node group
Make it possible to set color for a node group
Make it possible to set attached image for a node group
Allow group action when setting colors via node handle
Allow deletion of multiple nodes
Fix GitHub Issue #117: Make it possible to set default arrow direction
Fix GitHub Issue #118: Make it possible to delete nodes with Delete key
Fix GitHub Issue #121: Implement group copy and paste
Fix GitHub Issue #122: Make it possible to select node groups also with Shift key
Bug fixes:
Fix GitHub Issue #120: Crash when connecting to the initial node
Fix corner case issues with layout optimizer
Prevent the system context menu on node text edit
Open node context menu also when right-clicking on text edit
Don't immediately hide handles on move because it's annoying