The files and dirs below are content for an OpenStreetMap Workshop.
This workshop was initially provided at the FOSS4GNL 2023 and expanded for workshops in Alpujarra, Spain.
The documentation is powered by MkDocs which facilitates easy management of content and publishing. Content is written in Markdown.
Using GitHub Workflows the website is automatically rebuilt and deployed
(to the gh-pages
branch on GitHub) on commit/pushes to the main
The site is hosted as a static html website at
on GitHub using GitHub Pages.
# build a virtual Python environment in isolation
# For example, or use pyenv.
python3 -m venv .
. bin/activate
# fork or clone from GitHub
git clone
cd docs
# install required dependencies
# Optional: install lxml quickly using package
apt-get install -y python3-lxml
# install Python libs
pip install -r requirements.txt
# build the website
mkdocs build
# serve locally
mkdocs serve # website is made available on http://localhost:8000
# or locally on specific port
mkdocs serve -a localhost:8001
Website updates are automatically published via GitHub Actions.
Or to publish manually, but this is in general not needed:
# NOTE: you require access privileges to the GitHub repository
# to publish live updates
mkdocs gh-deploy -m 'add new page on topic x'