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A Lorem Ipsum text generator using terminology from the Grateful Dead world/lexicon.


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Generate placeholder text for your next project using terminology & phrases from the greatest band in the land!

This application is built with Next.js .

To update or improve on the code, please take a look at the following resources before submitting a pull request:


First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.js. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


This project doesn't rely on any "live" or dynamic API calls. Instead, all of the generated text simply relies on a dictionary of content.

The dictionary is located at /config/dictionary.js and is simply an array of Dead related terms!

So while the code itself is ridiculously simple, the dictionary can be updated to include new terms and phrases that are culturally related to the Dead and the jamband scene they created.

Please feel free to submit pull requests with updated terminology to the dictionary which will be included in the generated text by everyone!


This project takes extensive advantage of the Tailwind CSS styling utils.

Please see the documentation there for a better understanding of how it works before jumping into this project!


A Lorem Ipsum text generator using terminology from the Grateful Dead world/lexicon.







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